Sweet Corn – Grana Padano Ravioli With Basil Brown Butter and Warm Cherry Tomato Compote PLUS ANOTHER GIVEAWAY and the Winner of the Coconut OIl and Cookbook Giveaway

July 15, 2011 at 3:45 pm | Posted in Daring Cooks, Dinner, Giveaway, Pasta, Vegetables, Vegetarian | 222 Comments
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Before I get to this yummy ravioli, a little introspective rambling is in order.  For all those waiting for the announcement of the winner of my 4th of July giveaway, so sorry I’m a day late.  My plate has been full, both figuratively and literally.  You can scroll down to find out now, or you can read a bit of my incessant babbling to increase the suspense…OR, you can just drool over this ravioli, because I think this is the most delicious non-traditional ravioli I have ever made and tasted in my life – IF you like corn, that is. You can also immediately scroll down to see my latest giveaway.  I’ll give you a hint to part of it, in case you actually want to read what I wrote first.  In the photo directly below, it’s on the your lower right.

A few months ago, I left a comment on a post about the BlogHer 2011 conference in Atlanta that dealt with blog cliques and the cutthroat race to get some form of recognition or fame via their blogs.  My comment was basically about blogging for myself and my readers, and how I wouldn’t make friends with well-known and/or popular bloggers just to catapult my blog (My friendships with people are based on who they are, not how many people like them, or what they can offer), nor would I ever succumb to what is considered ‘marketable’ in the world of food blogging if it’s not what I’m about or not something I like.  I have a passion for food, and this blog is my way of conveying it.  However, I said one thing that came off the wrong way, and it’s been bothering me on and off for a while now.

I said, to quote myself, “I don’t care if my photos suck or aren’t Bon Appetit worthy (although I do bitch about not having natural light)….”

I DO care if my photos suck, but from an artistic stance, not as a way to draw attention to my blog from companies/sponsors, or as way to get more prestigious and popular bloggers to take notice and like me.  My blog is my cozy little nook in this world, my cozy little nook of escape, and I want pretty, mouth-watering photos, the same way I want pretty decor in my apartment.  I love taking photos of my food, even though I don’t get the photos I desperately covet since I don’t have enough natural light to take them in.

Natural light is the number one key to beautiful food photography, and it’s FREE!  BUT, I think nature wants to charge me.

I also said…”I don’t care if my writing is all over the place” Translation: I write like I talk, and everyone who knows me always points that out.  This is ME, and I won’t change a thing, even if I don’t use enough ‘active verbs’, or adopt ‘How to Write to Draw Attention to your Blog 101’ as THE WORD.  Regardless, you should really read this post by Linda at Salty Seattle.  It’s  eye-opening, extremely thought-provoking, and well..she bares all the little bones, and I like that.  OH,  and she’s so damn creative – you must see the amazing delicacies she creates thinking outside the box.  Molecular Gastronomy and then some!

Now that I got that out-of-the-way, I think it’s time to deal with pasta!  Homemade pasta, everything from scratch, nothing boxed, nothing frozen, just beautiful, silky handmade pasta, kneaded, rolled and cut by you, not some factory in Okawosha, NY (Yes, a fictional city).

Steph from Stephfood was our Daring Cooks’ July hostess.  Steph challenged us to make homemade noodles without the help of a motorized pasta machine.  She provided us with recipes for Spätzle and Fresh Egg Pasta as well as a few delicious sauces to pair our noodles with!

My first thought was spaetzle because I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE spaetzle, and it’s so simple – no rolling, no cutting, just a batter like dough that you press through a potato ricer into salted, boiling water, producing light little dumplings of heaven.  Yes, there are spaetzle makers, but I don’t believe in owning something that just has one use, unless you make it A LOT..like once a week A LOT.

I changed my mind at the last-minute.  1) Because when I make spaetzle, I think paprikash, and although I don’t abide by any rules that dictate what types of foods should be made and eaten each season, I felt it was a bit heavy of a dish at this time, and I am in no mood for a gut bomb after almost eating my weight in baklava last month, and 2) How could I not take advantage of the summer bounty of sweet corn, tomatoes and basil?  Not to mention, I was sent a HUGE hunka hunk of Grana Padano Riserva cheese, but that’s part of the giveaway, and I’ll get to that later.

I decided a corn filled ravioli would be an ideal way to use sweet summer corn, and when combined with the slightly salty, but mellow, Grana Padano, it was a winner.  Since the ravioli has so much flavor, all that was needed  to compliment it was a light brown butter sauce (beurre noisette).  For color, and a tart and juicy, sweet contrast in flavor, a beautiful red and yellow cherry tomato concoction of some sort was a thought.  The balsamic vinegar in the tomato ‘compote’ I finally decided on, really ties everything together with each bite.  Sweet, buttery, salty, slightly acidic, creamy…pure summer bounty bliss.

I gleaned ideas for the sweet corn filling from Chef de Cuisine Jacques Qualin, from his time at  Jean-George Vongerichten’s J&G Steakhouse. in which he which he simmers the corn in cream until almost reduced, similar to a one-shot risotto… then purees it, resulting in a sweet, thick, creamy filling for the ravioii, with the added texture of whole, cooked, corn kernels.  The warm tomato compote is part of a recipe from Epicurious that I’ve used for years, with my own additions and/or twists.

Oh, just a reminder, when you cut the kernels off the cob, don’t forget to milk the cob!!  Dull side of knife and scraaaaape doooowwwn.  Sweet corn milk should be a beverage staple.

If you get a chance, check out all the amazing pasta creations by my fellow Daring Cooks by clicking the links to their blogs HERE.  For some more pasta recipes (plus spaetzle..yum!) and sauces, click HERE!

Now, an all too familiar scenario the past month or so.  Another giveaway.  No, I’m not a giveaway freak or addict, and no, I’m not a freebie junkie, but I do LOVE to give stuff away, it’s just my nature, and those who know me well can vouch for that. When Denise Finnegan contacted me about sampling some Grana Padano cheese, and perhaps offering up the same for one of my readers, how could I resist?  Well..sample was an understatement.

DiPalo Selects in Little Italy, NYC, sent me a 3 lb wedge of Grana Padano Riserva, the highest quality Grana Padano..aged 20 to 30 months.  Along with that I received two little wedgie knives, pictured above.  The photo of my cheese is on your lower right. It’s huge!  Using that little knife, I cannot stop wedging off shards because it’s SO fantastic.  If you’ve never tried Grana Padano, it’s similar to Parmigiano-Reggiano, but younger, much more mellow and not as expensive.  However, this 3 lb wedge (mine was actually 3.5 lbs)  of Grana Padano Riserva retails for about $50.00 and up, depending where you buy it!  Before I tell you how you can win this giant, (which will be sent to you by DiPalo Selects), wedge of deliciousness, there is a part two to this giveaway.

Megan from buildasign.com has offered one of my readers the opportunity to make their own custom license plate, plus, either 10 custom bumper stickers or bumper magnets, OR 20 custom labels (2×4″ or 3×5″) for free..a $40.00 value! The winner will receive a coupon code to make their custom ‘whatever’ they choose.

Now, to enter this double giveaway, you can simply leave a comment telling me what you would do with your 3 lb hunk of Grana Padano Riserva outside of grating over pasta, OR, what you would put on your custom license plate and labels or bumper stuff at buildasign.com.  For extra entries, do any of the following and leave separate comments for each one you do.  A winner will be chosen July 27th, 2011 using random.org.

1. Follow me on Twitter @parsleynsage

2. Like Grana Padano on Facebook.

3. Visit buildasign.com and take a look around, so when you win, you’ll be ready 😉

4.  Tweet: I entered to win a HUGE Grana Padano Riserva cheese package plus $40.00 worth of custom goodies from buildasign.com http://bit.ly/pzLS1p

5. Subscribe to Parsley, Sage, Desserts and Line Drives, either by email or RSS Feed.

Finally, the winner of the 15 oz jar of Kelapo Coconut Oil and How to Cook Everything, 10th anniversary revised edition is….

Congratulations to Lynda Clark!!  Sent you an email to get your info ASAP, so I can mail out the cookbook, then forward your info to Jen of Kelapo Coconut, so she can send you your coconut oil!

Sweet Corn Grana Padano Ravioli with Brown Butter Basil Sauce and Warm Cherry Tomato Compote
Makes about 24 ravioli..4 main dish servings

One full plus one half of David Leite’s Homemade Pasta Dough Recipe at Leite’s Culinaria.  Follow instructions for rolling and cutting ravioli after mixing and kneading.  A scant tablespoon of filling per ravioli.

Sweet Corn Grana Padano Filling
Adapted from Jacques Qualin, with my revisions

1 tablespoon butter plus 1 teaspoon
2 cups fresh corn kernels, divided (about 4 small ears of corn)
2 minced shallots
1 teaspoon sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/3 cup heavy cream
1/2 to 1 teaspoon chopped, fresh thyme
1/3 cup grated Grana Padano
freshly ground black pepper

1.  Saute 1 cup of corn in 1 teaspoon of butter until slightly golden, set aside.

2,  In same pan, melt remaining 1 tablespoon of butter and add shallots.  Saute until soft, but not brown.  Add remaining cup of corn, salt and sugar and cook until corn is bright yellow.  Add the cream and let it reduce, stirring, until barely any cream remains. Remove pan from heat and puree in food processor until creamy.  Scrape into a bowl and stir in thyme, grana padano cheese, reserved cup of cooked, whole corn and grind black pepper to taste.  Set aside to cool while making and rolling pasta dough.

Browm Butter Basil Sauce
2 sticks butter
1/3 cup shredded  basil (roll several basil leaves together and cut into thin strips)

1. In sauce pan, heat butter over medium high and cook until golden brown.  Toss in basil just to wilt.  Set aside until ravioli is cooked and plated.

Warm Cherry Tomato *Compote
Adapted from Epicurious.com, with my revisions

2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
2 teaspoons teaspoons minced garlic
1 shallot, minced
6 cups assorted vine-ripened cherry tomatoes, some halved
freshly ground black pepper to taste
1/3 cup finely shredded fresh basil leaves
1 teaspoon or so of sugar to balance acid & flavor, if you feel it’s needed upon tasting

1. Combine cherry tomatoes and basil in a medium bowl.

2. In a large non-stick skillet, heat vinegar, oil, and garlic over moderate heat until just simmering.

3. Pour hot dressing over cherry tomatoes and basil and toss gently to combine.  Let sit at room temperature for about one half hour to 45 minutes.

4.  You will have leftover tomato compote, enjoy over any pasta or over crostini or bruschetta, OR just eat as is.  Keep refrigerated and use within 2 or 3 days.

* Technically not completely a compote since I did not add the tomatoes to the hot dressing in the pan to cook down, instead choosing to pour the hot dressing over the tomatoes to cook them off the heat for just a bit..maintaining the shape and fresh flavor of each tomato.

1.  Place 6 ravioli on each plate, and drizzle with brown butter basil sauce.  Top each plate with warm tomato compote and extra shaved or grated Grana Padano.

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  1. Wonderful ravioli, great job!

  2. What a wonderful ravioli dish. Basil brown butter? Great idea. I’ve only seen spaetzle been made once – on TV! They used just a regular wooden chopping board to “cut in” small pieces of pasta. Apparently that technique is not uncommon. Have you seen that one? Love these Daring Cook challenges. Well done, again! 🙂

  3. The sweetcorn filling sounds fantastic – I will have to remember that for the next time I feel like getting pasta-y!

  4. I’m the same as you. I like to take nice photos and all that, but I write my blog because I enjoy it and I find it relaxing. I certainly have no aspirations to be a big blog (which is just as well!) or in any kind of bloggie clique.

    Aha, that hunk of grana padano is giving me flashbacks. I used to work in a deli and the effort it took to cut through a chunk of cheese like that with a cheese wire – GAH.

    Your ravioli looks gorgeous! I love sweetcorn and brown butter and cherry tomatoes and – oh wow. I can just imagine how gorgeous all those flavours are together. It’s a perfect summer dish.

  5. Ok, first, that ravioli could seriously become my favorite ravioli. I go nuts over fresh corn and tomatoes in the summertime. Everything about these ravioli sounds amazing!

    And I would probably use the grana padano in a summer veggie gratin.

  6. I seriously want to come over to your place and have some ravioli. Really. It sounds so fresh and perfect for this time of year! And thank you for not changing your style – your blog wouldn’t feel right if it weren’t in your voice!
    That cheese sounds wonderful… I know my two year old would eat it straight off the block! I would use it on… pretty much everything! Pasta, homemade pizzas/calzones, in salads…

  7. I would use it to grate over roasted summer veggies!! YUM!! grammypenny@frontier.com

  8. Like Grana Padano on Facebook! Penny Hayes Snyder – grammypenny@frontier.com

  9. Subscribed via e-mail! grammypenny@frontier.com

  10. Those ravioli are amazing and so perfect! The stuffing is really original. I love Grana Padano.



  11. I think you have a wonderful blog and that your recipes are fantastic and of a professional elk. These ravioli are proof positive of that!

  12. Oh, yum – your ravioli looks so delicious. I have never thought of combining corn and pasta, but man – how in the world could you go wrong with that??? Looks so delicious! As for a huge chunk of grana padano? I’d love to make grand plans for it, but I would imagine that I’d chip away at it until all that was left would be the “uh oh – I forgot to make something with it!” thoughts… but it would be enjoyed thoroughly!

  13. If I had the cheese I would break it into 3 chunks and share with my sons who love to cook

  14. Follow you on Twitter-rosannepm

  15. Like Grana Padano on Facebook Rosanne M rosans4@comcast.net

  16. Visited Build a Sign rosans4@comcast.net

  17. Tweeted: https://twitter.com/rosannepm/status/92036980824752128

  18. Subscribe by e-mail

  19. What a wonderful summery ravioli filling – and a perfect pairing with that tomato balsamic compote. Beautiful ravioli too – real works of art, well done!

    As for that grana padano… well, it’s summer here in San Francisco, which means in my neighborhood that it’s cold, windy and foggy. So I’d light a fire, open a nice bottle of red wine, break out some crusty homemade sourdough bread and enjoy it along with that sumptuous, salty cheese…

  20. I would make a quiche or try to make a souffle!

  21. I visited buildasign.com and looked around!

  22. I subscribe to your RSS Feed with google reader

  23. I like Grana Padano on Facebook – my FB name is Amanda Moore

  24. I tweeted, I’m @AmberGoo:

  25. What a fantastic summer ravioli! I can’t believe I haven’t had any corn yet–must head to the market tomorrow. I always admire your photos and your writing style. I think I break all the ‘rules for popularity’ myself, but that’s just fine.
    Oh, the giant chunk of cheese? I would have a wine and cheese night and put it out with some of those wedgie knives and chip away at it all night. I’d figure out what to do with the rest in the morning.

  26. I love ravioli (any kind!) but those look especially delicious 😀

  27. i suscribe by google reader!

  28. i visited buildasign.com, i’d love to get one of the magnetics

  29. Oh I could think of a million dishes to make or accent with this Grana Padano, but I am dying to make a rich homemade tomato soup, using the tomatoes from my garden. I can only imagine that homemade Chibatta bread chunks nestled on top with lots and lots of grated Grana Padano cheese and fresh basil ribbons, would blow my mind.

  30. I would normally say I’d use the cheese to grate over pasta or grilled corn, but I know myself. I’d cut off chunks and eat it plain!

  31. You know I already follow you! 🙂

  32. Yum, yum, yum Lisa! I LOVE corn, I always nibble to raw cob after I’ve de-kernelled it it, so sweet. I’m going to make this ravioli very soon. Sadly I’m not eligible for the giveaway, oh what I would do with a hunk of cheese! Good luck everyone else 🙂

  33. I made ravioli this week too. I think there’s something earthy about making your own pasta and rolling it out by hand. I think I’d use the machine next time though. 🙂

    As for blogging, I’ve made so many friends by blogging and twittering and hope to continue for a long time. I too, write like I talk and cook things I love to eat. I won’t cook something I don’t like just because it will photograph well.

    I do drool over some bloggers photos but because they are great photos.

    Perhaps I’m so new at blogging that I don’t know many high profile bloggers. I comment to people who are nice to me. Maybe that’s not the way to go about it but at my age I can do whatever I want. 🙂

  34. You are truly amazing, not only making your own pasta, rolling it out by hand and coming up with those beautiful ravioli! Your images are beautiful and your writing heartfelt. I think we are our own worse critics, you my friend are an outstanding blogger, chef, and photographer, and the proof is always in your posts. Like everything else in life politics enter into what we do and that’s what leaves us with a bad taste in our mouth. But don’t ever think that you are not up to the task, you set the bar!

  35. Wow — a refreshing combination of flavors I love and never would have thought of 🙂

  36. Your photos are amazing!!!! Thanks for sharing.

  37. not kissing up but i like your photos because they are real, I make homemade pasta with the kids too- cannot take or stand boxed pasta and even my kids like the fresh smooth taste of homemade pasta…we would make some ravilio and have some fun…yummy and mouthwatering…

  38. I really appreciated your bit about the blogging clique. Sometimes I feel like I just don’t do enough to network (heck, I’m not even on Twitter!) or do something more public with my blog. But the truth is, I started my blog as a personal, stress-free space. Sure, I’m thrilled to keep discovering new blogs, and getting glimpses of the wonderful people out there, and even knowing a few local bloggers personally. But I don’t feel the need to get all “serious” about it, either.

    Can I just say that I love, love, love your ravioli? Your filling and sauce are awesome, and Grana Padano is an amazing cheese. I’ve been looking for ricotta-free ravioli recipes, and this is a great one!

  39. Awesome job on the challenge, I would love to dig into that plate of raviolis!

  40. I’m glad that post resonated with you- it was a hard one to write. Your ravioli has derailed my day- I’m going to have to lug out the pasta maker and get my agnolotti on now thanks to you:) xx, Linda

  41. Hope to win !!!!!

  42. Beautiful ravioli! I am not quite so industrious but I am inspired. Looks delicious! If I won that gorgeous block of cheese I would eat it as-is, use it in my sauces and also in my lasagna and on homemade pizza. And freshly grated in olive oil to dip my homemade bread in. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway!

  43. I am one of your twitter followers @rusthawk.

  44. Liked Grana Padano on Facebook. (Rust Hawk)

  45. I looked around the Build a Sign site – nice! I liked several of her bumper stickers too 🙂

  46. Tweeted http://twitter.com/rusthawk/status/92314814617100288

  47. I am one of your happy email subscribers!

  48. Mmm, looks de-lish! Beautiful! On my cooking bucket list is homemade pasta, never made it. Ravioli are at the top. One of the best foods I’ve ever had was some giant butternut squash ravioli. I say giant because you got like 2 of them in this serving of the most amazing swimming-in-cream sauce ever.

  49. Looks Delicious! If I was able to get my hands on that grana padano cheese I would probably tuck it into some scones for a lovely Sunday morning breakfast.


  50. Mouthwatering as usual!

  51. I would use it on vegetables

  52. Awesome! I’m a cheese addict!

  53. I liked Grana Padano on Facebook.

  54. I am following you on twitter

  55. I just browsed buildasign.com

  56. I would put the Grana Padano Riserva cheese on my homemade garlic pizza; my homemade calzones; my homemade pastas; my homemade lasagna; beaten w/eggs to dip my chicken and/or cube steak cutlets in before frying; and, once beaten w/eggs to dip and fry my zucchini, eggplant, zucchini ‘flowers’, mushrooms, cauliflower and broccoli.

    BUT most importantly of all, I would just inhale the smell on my hands from handling this wonderful cheese and just feel like I was in heaven…..maybe, put a touch of the cheese behind my ears, too!

    Thank you for the opportunity to win some wonderful food and the signs!!!

  57. I’m in charge of the bread/fruit/cheese board at our monthly neighborhood dinner party, so I’d definately bring the Grana Padano Riserva cheese on that. I’d grate some for our “Sunday gravy” with (whatever pasta I’m in the mood to make) dinner and I’d probably have several nosh fests late at night, when the rest of the world is sleeping…

  58. I followed parsleynsage on Twitter @AsTheNight.

  59. I liked Grana Padano on Facebook.

  60. I visited the buildasign site – I kind of like the “seek peace” license plate.

  61. I shared on Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/AsTheNight/status/92395535117455360.

  62. I will make mac and cheese

  63. Like Grana Padano on Facebook

  64. Good grief woman, how could your photos and your writing be any better?!? This post (and your photos) had me drooling even though it’s past 11 and I should be heading to bed. If I won that bad boy I’d be making this ravioli stat, then I’d settle in and develop the perfect grilled cheese sandwich with a mix of Grana Padano and…

    OK, off to do my homework.

  65. I tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/Ldmd/status/92478294909403136

  66. OK, I just “liked” Grana Padano on Facebook

  67. And I already followed you on Twitter before.

  68. And I just checked out buildasign.com

  69. Wow, I’ve never thought of corn, basil and tomatoes together, but your ravioli looks so delicious! Your pictures are always beautiful and I love reading your blog posts because of the way you write 🙂 Excellent job for this month’s challenge as always!

  70. Looks fantastic. I bet it tasted amazing.

    I made a comment on someone’s blog, some guy, I wish I could remember where it was in response to cliques and such in the blogging world. I agree whole heartedly with everything you said. Sometimes I feel the blogs, some of them I do still read, are rather snotty. It makes me crazy. Not everyone has the money to do the thing that those blogs do. Who cares? Just because you dont have an expensive camera doesnt mean you cant create some pretty good shots.

  71. I love homemade pasta. I’m working on some now as I write this as a matter of fact. These look delicious!

  72. I follow you on twitter. @dat757deeva

  73. I love homemade pasta, so of course that would be a must for the cheese. I would also add it to my “grown folks” mac and cheese and whatever other dish deems worthy of greatness.

  74. I tweeted the giveaway @dat757deeva

  75. I liked Grana Padano on Facebook

  76. I follow your blog on my Google reader

  77. I keep looking at this corn and thinking about the local corn from the farmer’s market in tmy freezer…hmmm. I really miss doing the Daring Bakers/Cooks challenges. Maybe I’ll have to stop by and do a few again.

  78. I tweeted!

  79. And I follow you on twitter…

  80. If I was so lucky to win the coveted cheese prize I would shave it over a simple salad of prosciutto and arugula.

  81. I would use it for ravioli fillings, in amuse bouche settings such as endive and fig jam, over savory fennel ice cream…

  82. It would have to be pizza. Mmmmm!

  83. I LOVE grana padano with raspberry preserves for dessert:-)

  84. I follow Parsleynsage on twitter:-)

  85. Totally neat giveaway. I’d like to try that basil brown butter.

  86. Looking around BuildASign now!

  87. Subscribed via Google Reader!

  88. I would eat it in chunks along with some crusty bread!

  89. I’d use it in salads, in my homemade vegetarian lasagna, over pizza…

  90. Mmmm, cheeeeeese 😉 What a great giveaway! And recipe – it’s on my save list! What would I make? Hmmm, lasagna, gnocchi, cold dips… a heck of a lot of stuff with that much!

  91. in salad

  92. What a fabulous idea for a filling. Your pasta looks perfect for summer. If I won the cheese I’d have to try my hand at making your ravioli.

  93. I just had to tell you your pictures look great, I finally got to view them on my computer, just lovely. I love that big hunka cheese that is so wonderful that they will send someone a sample 🙂 You are fabulous blogger and the cliques are inevitable wherever we go,but you already know how I feel about them. I follow you, I tweet you, and subscribe to you, if that isn’t love than I don’t know what is! LOL!

  94. The combo of tomatoes and corn in summer just makes my heart sing. But the combo in ravioli? That really makes my stomach sing with total satisfaction. 😉

  95. I hear you so loud and clear on what you said about your blog being your own cozy record of your food, for your primarily, and not to be played with for the benefit of traffic. I stayed happy, rambling, whinging as I felt on my blog for a year or so and then, weirdly, when I started getting some actual traffic and subscribers that weren’t my family I started going totally paranoid and freaking out about “my voice”. It took a while to calm down and realise that I didn’t have to do all that because this thing was a record for me and me primarily. Of course its nice if people read it or if people use it but its my record and I shouldn’t be trying to stressfully change the way I speak in order to attract or maintain an audience.

    I also hear you on the lack of natural light!

    I like using hard cheese in wholemeal pie crusts. Also when I make gluten free breads for friends that are coeliac, the flours need some flavour to it and hard cheeses such as grana padano have always worked really well in that regard. I also just like melting strips in the oven and waiting for them to cool to use as little crisps when I’m being lazy and greedy.

  96. this looks amazing!!! i had a sweet corn ravioli at Horizons restaurant in Macau, it was topped with a beet crisp and cooked in smoked black pork belly emulsion. you post is inspiring me to try my hand at it!


  97. For someone who doesn’t have natural light your photos are always fantastic. It just goes to show how good a photographer you really are. Of course your cooking and baking abilities are awesome too and well documented here in your blog. The raviolis look great and I would really like to taste some.

  98. I would love the cheese. We are huge cheese eaters. I would shave some and put it on scalloped tomatoes right off the bat.

  99. I would make an amazing pizza with roasted red peppers, garlic and chicken sausage.

  100. I follow you on Twitter

  101. I Like Grana Padano on Facebook.
    Tracy P

  102. I would make a pizza with roasted red pepper, garlic, and chicken sausage.

  103. Email subscriber

  104. I’m a huge Grano fan. It would be put to good use at our house…served with pasta or on a cheese plate…with a little honey maybe. Making myself hungry just thinking about it.

  105. I already get your feeds…

  106. I also follow on twitter.

  107. I had viewed this on my phone and was about ready to drool all over the place! I think I forgot to comment so now I’m wanting to tell you…YUM! I would pay good money to eat this!

  108. That looks great! And the cheese looks yummy! I would probably use the cheese in a gratin and definitely in pasta!

  109. I would shave some for my late summer tomato, basil salad. Followed and tweeted.

  110. All the summer flavors sound so good in this dish! I’ve never made spaetzle, but I’d like to try some day. I do love making ravioli. And, sweet corn and grana padano filling is perfect for it right now.

  111. I think your photos are beautiful! I could not participate in this month’s challenge, wish I had made something 😦
    I would use grana padano to make these raviolis then use them on salads till I run out 🙂

  112. I follow you on twitter [@chefpandita]

  113. I liked Grana Padano on FB

  114. I tweeted about this giveaway

  115. Subscribed via RSS 🙂

  116. I would grate it on top of my home made pizza

  117. I followed GP on Facebook.

  118. I’m following you on Twitter.

  119. OMG Lisa corn ravioli, what a unique combination. I LOVE it. you’re a genius!! They look fantastic and all your photos are great!

  120. I’d love to win that big wedge of cheese, perfect for sprinkling over baked goodies or pasta dishes

  121. following you on twitter

  122. Wow Lisa, you still amazes me…homemade ravioli? I love the filling. Great pictures as always. Nice giveaway as well.
    Hope you are having a fantastic week 🙂

  123. i’d use it on pasta, salads, veggies, and of course just eat it straight off of the cheese knife. being from wisconsin, i love cheese!

  124. Toss the linguine mixture until it is combined well and sprinkle it with the prosciutto Grana Padano and chopped basil…

  125. I love this creative ravioli, Lisa! 🙂 Sweet corn would be so amazing paired with those lovely, juicy tomatoes. 🙂 Cheese of all kinds makes me happy. Being in Amsterdam I’m getting to try all sorts of delish ones. 🙂 Thank you so much for your kind note on my blog. 🙂 Your support and compassion have been such a comfort to me.

  126. First of all, your ravioli look perfect… and I have eaten (and made) my fare share of ravioli! 🙂
    I LOVED this month’s challenge!!!!

    I would Grana in pretty much anything (we Italians tend to)… if I had to choose one dish I’d say in a stuffed meatloaf! 🙂

  127. I follow on email

  128. I “like” PSDLD on FB

  129. I would make cheese gnocchi with the wedge if I win……….

  130. Those ravioli look soooooo goood.

    and hell yeah for being yourself!! Don’t ever change.

  131. I’d try to use it to make some cheese biscuits.

  132. I’ll go with ‘bobtroll’ on my license plate.

    ky2here at msn dot com

  133. I’d love to make a parmesan stock by infusing the rind with vegetables and chicken bones! 🙂 Then I’d use that as a base for pasta sauces or even cook the pasta in that!

  134. I follow you on twitter (nella22)

  135. I liked Grana Padano on FB!

  136. I tweeted!

  137. I would make risotto for breakfast, lunch and dinner!

  138. I subscribed via Google Reader 🙂

  139. I followed you on twitter.

  140. I liked grana padano on facebook

  141. I visited buildasign

  142. I subscribe via RSS feed!

  143. I tweeted “I entered to win a HUGE Grana Padano Riserva cheese package plus $40.00 worth of custom goodies from buildasign.com http://bit.ly/pzLS1p

  144. Yummy ravioli dish! I like the combination of sweet corn and veggies. Very healthy and you have unique style of food preparation. This is a good learning experience for me today. Thanks also for sharing the recipe.

  145. Your recipes sound and look delicious. I would love the Grana PaDano because one of my favorite pastas is simply angel hair with brown butter and a good quality cheese, like Mizithra.


  146. @chrisdeglen Tweeted –



  147. I am so thrilled and lucky to have found you and become your friend. In all of our interactions I have learned that you are one of the few bloggers who really stays true to themselves and so far above the whole fray that it is a joy to be up there with you! We have discussed all the negatives we see in the food blog world. I agree that we do want aim for great photos and we do love it when people visit our blogs and hope that they love our space, feel at home and feel inspired. But all the marketing and branding and blatant self-promotion with little value behind it? No way. I love what I do, love food, am passionate about writing and strive to create the best I can, something I am proud of. I know this shows in a blog.
    That said, wow! I have failed miserably twice at homemade ravioli and you inspire! I’ll be trying this. Love the corn and grana filling, too. Creative and inspiring (not to mention mouthwatering) as usual. And I love the way you write – it is fun and down to earth and definitely you!

  148. I love your blogging out look! I totally get what you mean about that stereotypical A crowd stuff that goes on! The ravioli…. LOOK AMAZING! SOOO GOOD! And this cheese? Hi I totally want to win! I would shred it in little mounds on a cookie sheet and bake them so I would have cheese crisps then I could garnish a steak or a bowl of soup with it! YUM! FYI, Who doesn’t complain about not enough natural light? Probably only people who live in a green house.

  149. I follow you on twitter!

  150. I tweeted the give away!

  151. I subscribe to Parsley & Sage

  152. I checked out build a sign. Love the vinyl decals!

  153. My family loves pasta, so we would use it on all our favorite pasta dishes!!

  154. Following on twitter @annedoggett

  155. tweet http://twitter.com/#!/annedoggett/status/95527879634460672

  156. Love the Event Magnets. I would get a Just Married one for my niece who is getting married soon!

  157. i would make ensaymada ( filipino brioche w/cheese) and use the cheese as topping with some ham 🙂

  158. With the leftovers from the wine and cheese party, I would spend some time coming up with fabulous recipes to share with friends and family!

  159. You DO have a cozy nook here…always a delight to visit! Your ravioli looks amazing…I love corn, and would never have thought of it as a pasta filling. But I approved and would love a taste…or two 🙂

  160. The ravioli looks amazing. I would use the cheese to put in a bread recipe.

  161. I would serve the 3 lb hunk of Grana Padano Riserva withe roasted red peppers and fresh salami with crackers.

  162. I would put some in my scrambled eggs along with cream.

  163. I would get one of BuildaSigns 18×27″ Signs for my law firm.

  164. Wow, this comment is soooo late. But apparently not late enough that I can still qualify for cheese! Hooray!
    First off, you ravioli looks amazing! I’ve been wanting to try my hand at ravioli for a while, but you have gotten rid of my intimidation of it! Beautiful job! And your filling sounds wonderful! Also, that is a LOT of cheese. If I had 3 whole pounds of cheese, I am sure I would eat it as a snack, plus add it to every meal I could. Scrambled eggs and cheese! Grilled cheese sandwich! Pasta with veggies and cheese! (Hey, gotta think simple, got a little one to feed!)

  165. Would throw the cheese into everything and use the signage for my hubbies business.

  166. I’d probably eat it straight off the wedge.

  167. I would probably eat quite a bit if the cheese straight (truth), but a couple of lasagnas for my huge family seem in order!

  168. I follow you on twitter, @candysweeps

  169. I like Grana Padano on face book

  170. I would grate it over my grilled zucchini. It sounds so good.

    juleemm2003 at yahoo dot com

  171. follow you on twitter as juleemm

    juleemm2003 at yahoo dot com

  172. I would make home made cheese tortelini –I haven’t made it in years but I would love to!

  173. I think I’d have trouble not eating the whole block by just shaving off a sliver every time I went to the fridge! I bet this cheese would be great mixed into mashed potatoes maybe with some garlic.

  174. I follow you on twitter with user @elangomatt

  175. I Like Grana Padano on Facebook.

  176. I tweeted about this giveaway http://twitter.com/elangomatt/statuses/96116282059014144

  177. I would use that yummy cheese on pizza, puffy chicken and mixed with panko for coatings to “oven fry”.

  178. Twitter dddiva

  179. Like Grana Padano

  180. I checked out buildasign.

  181. Sub via Google Reader

  182. i would love to have this cheese to grate into my soup

  183. aweswome ravioli

  184. id use this baked into a lasagna 🙂

  185. https://twitter.com/#!/klp1965/status/96235293195251712

  186. rss google feed subscriber

  187. I would share it with my daughter and SIL. SIL spent a year studying in Italy, so I know he misses their food there. This is the real stuff!
    spcale at yahoo dot com.

  188. Already follow you on Twitter-dresdenrain.
    spcale at yahoo dot com.

  189. Like Grana Padano on Facebook-carol yerby lewis
    spcale at yahoo dot com.

  190. http://www.buildasign.com/CustomBanners I did!

    Visit buildasign.com and take a look around, so when you win, you’ll be ready

    spcale at yahoo dot com.

  191. tweet https://twitter.com/#!/dresdenrain/status/96239592495267840
    spcale at yahoo dot com.

  192. subscribed by email
    spcale at yahoo dot com.

  193. reader subscriber spcale at yahoo dot com.

  194. My friends and I try to get together a couple of times a month for cheese, wine, & conversation. I would definitely serve some Grana Padano Riserva at our next gathering. Yum!

  195. I Follow you on Twitter @angevege.

  196. I Like Grana Padano on Facebook.

  197. I visited buildasign.com. I love the personalized license plates!

  198. tweet!

  199. I am an RSS subscriber via Google Reader.

  200. i would put smoaks on my custom license plate

  201. We would use this in omelets!

  202. I’d take it to work for our potluck…it would disappear in a minute!!

  203. I would use it to make a homemade lasagna, and a homemade mac n cheese. The options are endless! yum!

  204. Followed on twitter.

  205. Liked on facebook!

  206. I looked around buildasign, nice website!

  207. tweeted giveaway! http://twitter.com/#!/nhilleshiem/status/96331075193802752

  208. subscribed via email

  209. I would put it on spaghetti.

  210. I follow you on twitter(donnak4)

  211. I Like Grana Padano on Facebook.

  212. Wow, that looks absolutely amazinggggggggggggg!
    You are a true kitchen goddess dear!
    I suffer from a severe pasta addiction lately,
    So this dish comes in a really bad timing-
    i cannot describe how much i want to eat this 🙂

  213. […] Sweet Corn – Grana Padano Ravioli With Basil Brown Butter and Warm …Jul 15, 2011 … Sweet Corn Grana Padano Ravioli with Brown Butter Basil Sauce and Warm Cherry … Scrape into a bowl and stir in thyme, grana padano cheese, … […]

  214. […] won a 3 lb wedge of Grana Padano Riserva from DiPalo Selects in Little Italy, NYC. Lisa, Parsley, Sage, Desserts and Line Drives, held the giveaway and asked readers to leave a comment telling her what we would make with the […]

  215. I made this yesterday. Stop by and check out my post today. Thanks!!!!

  216. […] saw a recipe for sweet corn ravioli on Lisa’s blog parsley, sage , dessert, and line drives that I kept meaning to try, and this was the perfect occasion. I added some saffron to my pasta […]

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