By George, It’s a Bakewell Tart! (OR TWO)

June 27, 2009 at 12:43 am | Posted in Daring Bakers, Dessert, Fruit, Pastry, Pies and Tarts, Puddings/Custards | 140 Comments
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Just to give you all a heads up, since this month’s Daring Bakers Challenge is a British treat, I’m officially British for this entry – spelling and all.  I’m sure my dialect will come from many different regions of England considering I’m just winging this – not to mention, I’ll probably be way, way, way off base with the slang, words etc..  This will be HIGHLY exaggerated, so to my British blogging pals, please feel free to correct and/or laugh at me!  Carry on, mates..and enjoy!

Oh, what an absolute joy it was to find out that this month’s DB challenge was something we’ve been enjoying here in the UK for centuries (I think).  The Bakewell Tart is such a favourite confection here, that many an argy-bargy will break out when one is down to the last slice!  I cannot even begin to tell you how many a bloke has ended up on his arse for that slice!  Silly wankers, I tell you!


First off, I’d like to pass on my gratitude to the lovely hosts of this month’s challenge for coming up with a…oh dear, I completely forgot about that silly little paragraph we must post so that the computerized little biddy can detect our entries.  How funny would it be if I didn’t complete the challenge but pasted these words in a post by itself?  Would I still get credit?  Oh, mind my manners, I’m being quite a silly nutter!

The June Daring Bakers’ challenge was hosted by Jasmine of Confessions of a Cardamom Addict and Annemarie of Ambrosia and Nectar. They chose a Traditional (UK) Bakewell Tart… er… pudding that was inspired by a rich baking history dating back to the 1800’s in England.

IMG_242611_edited copy

Now, a very popular question raised about this Bakewell Tart is, well..shall we refer to it as a tart or pudding?  In some preparations, it’s  a “pudding” where a layer of jam is covered by an almondy pastry cream and baked in puff pastry. In another preparation it’s a “tart” where a rich shortcrust pastry holds jam and an almondy sponge cake-like filling.

The version they are daring us to make (Oh my, I just shuddered with a mild case of the willies!) is a combination of the two: a sweet almond-flavoured shortcrust pastry, frangipane and jam.  A crust, some jam, a rich, nutty frangipane, and Bob’s your uncle!  I absolutely adore this version, and I *stereotype alert #1000* couldn’t wait to sink my rather imperfect British teeth into it!

Strawberry Vanilla Bean Almond Pudding Cake

Although optional, we were also challenged to make our own jam or preserves.  Bollocks, I say!  I was in no mood to purchase an abundance of jars, sterilize them, and so on and so forth.  Yes, yes, I know, a pan jam is easier, and you could always make a jam and use it immediately instead of processing a bunch of little jars that would end up in gift baskets to mates come Christmas – but I simply wasn’t feeling the urge to to make my own jam. I had quite an array of lovely jams from Christmas baskets of past from many a mate or acquaintance, that had yet to be opened. so this was the perfect opportunity.

I decided to play it safe, since I wanted people to actually consume these tarts, using two basic flavours, strawberry and raspberry, for two different tarts, and fiddle with them a bit.  I added fresh vanilla bean to the strawberry jam, and OH my giddy aunt, was quite chuffed at the difference it made.  I then added a bit of freshly grated nutmeg to the raspberry, and after tasting, decided it was an absolutely brill pairing! *patting self on shoulder*

As you very well know, the key to a perfect pie pastry is that everything be cold, and I do mean COLD, as in cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey – even enough to make your jubblies stand up on end!  Also, the last thing you want to do is over mix the dough, as that would result in pie crust that would be akin to biting into a pillar of Stonehenge.  You want to see little bits of butter in the final dough prior to chilling it, and it should be raggedy in appearance, not uniform.  I do swear, on the Queen’s crown jewels, that it will come together while chilling in the fridge wrapped in clingfilm. You want a lovely, flaky, tender crust, so all of the above is extraordinarily key.

When it came to the frangipane, for tart number 1, I remained true to the recipe, just adding a titch more vanilla bean to it, and poncing it up with strawberries glazed with some of the leftover jam which I reduced with some kirsch – plus bruleed, sliced almonds.  I ran out of butane half way through the brulee, hence the remaining bits of sugar around the almonds.  At first, I almost soiled my knickers out of frustration, but then realized the bits of sugar lent it a certain something – or as the French say –  je ne sais quoi.   Baking it in a rectangular tart pan lent even more of a je ne sais quoi to the tart, confusing my fellow limeys as to what it was at first glimpse.  I can be quite a daft bird when I want to be, or so they say!  I shall call this tart, quite simply, a Strawberry-Vanilla Bean Bakewell tart.  No fanciful moniker, as that’s just hoity toity rubbish.


For tart number 2, I must say, I went a little off the beaten path, as you Americans say.  I still remained true to the basic frangipane recipe given to us, but suddenly an idea hit me.  How about a marble frangipane?  I know they go crazy in America for anything marbled with chocolate, so why not?  I split the frangipane batter in two, and added a bit of melted dark chocolate to one half, alternating and swirling layers of frangipane over the frozen jam and crust.

Freezing the crust and jam before the addition of the frangipane was recommended, to insure crisp, distinct layers, although, as you can see in the photographs, it did not work very well for me.  It seems the frangipane dominated the tart, covering most of the jam when baked, but that’s completely my fault since I only used about 1/4 to 1/3 cup jam per tart!  Apparently I missed the part where it states you could use up to 1 cup of jam.

Bloody hell..what a load of cack!  Next time I’ll remedy that and load it up with jam, but for now, you’ll just have to look at my measly, little strips of jam begging to get out from under the stampede of  frangipeople rushing the stage to get closer to the band.  I should have entitled this entry ‘Lisa lacks what it takes to JAM’.

Having said that, the marbled frangipane turned out quite nice, so again,  I was rather chuffed.  Usually, your basic Bakewell tart consists of a topping of some kind of white icing, commonly made with icing sugar and topped with a sad looking little maraschino cherry.  I came to the conclusion that a chocolate topping would be tastier and much more appealing in this case.  What better than a shiny, rich, chocolate ganache and fresh raspberries since this was well, the tart with the raspberry jam, and the tart does contain chocolate frangipane, correct?  It’s always nice to showcase what’s inside the dessert, on the outside.  A rather exciting preview of what’s to come.   I decided to call this one my Raspberry Chocolate Marble Bakewell Tart.


To sum it all up, this was a wonderful recipe for the Bakewell, and everyone who tried both versions were utterly gobsmacked.  According to them, it went down a treat!  I must admit, it was quite scrummy!

Now, as always, don’t forget to check out the outstanding creations by my fellow Daring Bakers by clicking on their links at the Daring Bakers Blogroll!

Well, I must be on my way, so toodle pip, and have a delicious, lovely day!  Cheerio!

Bakewell Tart…er…pudding

Makes one 23cm (9” tart)
Prep time: less than 10 minutes (plus time for the individual elements)
Resting time: 15 minutes
Baking time: 30 minutes
Equipment needed: 23cm (9”) tart pan or pie tin (preferably with ridged edges), rolling pin

One quantity sweet shortcrust pastry (recipe follows)
Bench flour
250ml (1cup (8 US fl. oz)) jam or curd, warmed for spreadability
One quantity frangipane (recipe follows)
One handful blanched, flaked almonds

Assembling the tart
Place the chilled dough disc on a lightly floured surface. If it’s overly cold, you will need to let it become acclimatised for about 15 minutes before you roll it out. Flour the rolling pin and roll the pastry to 5mm (1/4”) thickness, by rolling in one direction only (start from the centre and roll away from you), and turning the disc a quarter turn after each roll. When the pastry is to the desired size and thickness, transfer it to the tart pan, press in and trim the excess dough. Patch any holes, fissures or tears with trimmed bits. Chill in the freezer for 15 minutes.

Preheat oven to 200C/400F.

Remove shell from freezer, spread as even a layer as you can of jam onto the pastry base. Top with frangipane, spreading to cover the entire surface of the tart. Smooth the top and pop into the oven for 30 minutes. Five minutes before the tart is done, the top will be poofy and brownish. Remove from oven and strew flaked almonds on top and return to the heat for the last five minutes of baking.

The finished tart will have a golden crust and the frangipane will be tanned, poofy and a bit spongy-looking. Remove from the oven and cool on the counter. Serve warm, with crème fraîche, whipped cream or custard sauce if you wish.

When you slice into the tart, the almond paste will be firm, but slightly squidgy and the crust should be crisp but not tough.

Jasmine’s notes:
• If you cannot have nuts, you can try substituting Victoria sponge for the frangipane. It’s a pretty popular popular cake, so you shouldn’t have any troubles finding one in one of your cookbooks or through a Google search. That said, our dear Natalie at Gluten a Go Go has sourced some recipes and linked to them in the related alt.db thread.
• You can use whichever jam you wish, but if you choose something with a lot of seeds, such as raspberry or blackberry, you should sieve them out.
• The jam quantity can be anywhere from 60ml (1/4 cup) to 250ml (1cup), depending upon how “damp” and strongly flavoured your preserves are. I made it with the lesser quantity of home made strawberry jam, while Annemarie made it with the greater quantity of cherry jam; we both had fabulous results. If in doubt, just split the difference and spread 150ml (2/3cup) on the crust.
Annemarie’s notes:
• The excess shortcrust can be rolled out and cut into cookie-shapes (heck, it’s pretty darned close to a shortbread dough).

Sweet shortcrust pastry
Prep time: 15-20 minutes
Resting time: 30 minutes (minimum)
Equipment needed: bowls, box grater, cling film

225g (8oz) all purpose flour
30g (1oz) sugar
2.5ml (½ tsp) salt
110g (4oz) unsalted butter, cold (frozen is better)
2 (2) egg yolks
2.5ml (½ tsp) almond extract (optional)
15-30ml (1-2 Tbsp) cold water

Sift together flour, sugar and salt. Grate butter into the flour mixture, using the large hole-side of a box grater. Using your finger tips only, and working very quickly, rub the fat into the flour until the mixture resembles bread crumbs. Set aside.

Lightly beat the egg yolks with the almond extract (if using) and quickly mix into the flour mixture. Keep mixing while dribbling in the water, only adding enough to form a cohesive and slightly sticky dough.

Form the dough into a disc, wrap in cling and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes

Jasmine’s notes:
• I make this using vanilla salt and vanilla sugar.
• If you wish, you can substitute the seeds of one vanilla bean, one teaspoon of vanilla paste or one teaspoon of vanilla extract for the almond extract.

Prep time: 10-15 minutes
Equipment needed: bowls, hand mixer, rubber spatula

125g (4.5oz) unsalted butter, softened
125g (4.5oz) icing sugar
3 (3) eggs
2.5ml (½ tsp) almond extract
125g (4.5oz) ground almonds
30g (1oz) all purpose flour

Cream butter and sugar together for about a minute or until the mixture is primrose in colour and very fluffy. Scrape down the side of the bowl and add the eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition. The batter may appear to curdle. In the words of Douglas Adams: Don’t panic. Really. It’ll be fine. After all three are in, pour in the almond extract and mix for about another 30 seconds and scrape down the sides again. With the beaters on, spoon in the ground nuts and the flour. Mix well. The mixture will be soft, keep its slightly curdled look (mostly from the almonds) and retain its pallid yellow colour.

Annemarie’s notes:
• Add another five minutes or more if you’re grinding your own almonds or if you’re mixing by hand (Heaven help you).

OK..I’m American again, AND I’ve abandoned Mary Poppins (which a reader perfectly pointed out).  I highly recommend you all try this tart, as it really is quite good!  Play with it, put your own take on it, make it your own! (the notorious Paulaism, even though I stopped watching that show long ago).  *Opening umbrella and taking off while humming A Spoonful of Sugar*

RIP MJ, your music was woven into the fabric of my life.  Yeah, you became a freakish shell of the superstar we all once knew, but you never lost your gift.  I looped ‘Rock with You’ the night I heard you died, and cried.

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  1. As always you are simply the BEST and I just love the mirror finish you got on your tart …er….pudding and the flavours mmmmm they’re all great. The chocolate one is my vote. Your blog is always a wonder to visit. Cheers Audax

  2. Grin well you joining us this side of the pond certainly made me laugh, in a good way.. I’m not sure I’ve ever met someone who talks quite like that outside of Mary Poppins anyway 🙂

    Both tarts look great but the chocolate one looks fantastic !! I can see that one would go down very well here though I might not call it a Bakewell. Bakewell tart is one of those dishes that playing with too much is likely to get people upset with you :).

  3. This post is so beautiful that it’s sexy.

  4. OMG, I’m totally drooling over the chocolate ganache covered marbled tart!

  5. Oh wow! chocolate ganache..beautiful!!

  6. WOW. The tart with the chocolate and berries made my mouth drop. It’s just a showstopper. I can’t think of anything to say about it besides, amazing. I’m blown away!

    Not to say that your other tart isn’t lovely too. I’m loving the shape and the decorations on top are beautiful too!

  7. Ooohh.. I want a slice of that Choc covered Tart! Just this morning I was discussing with wifey on making that bakewell again with a choc coating…
    Thanks to you Brits for giving us this Bakewell tart! I loved your post and your tart too. I almost soiled my undies laughing at how you almost soiled your knickers!! Fabulous job!!

  8. Love all the British-isms. Maybe one or two are also frequently used in Australia. Funny, but we/they do speak like that – can extend my native Australianism through my thoroughly British parents, but fortunately also have a few years American residency up my sleeve so I am tri-lingual! 😉

  9. Call your tarts (or be they pudding?)what you may, they’re the bees knees!

  10. Lisa, great idea to go marble! Love it!

  11. Your tarts look so pretty! I really love that chocolate covered one! Scrumptious!



  12. Oh waouw, so appetising !
    Good job !

  13. Loving you being British (with tarts) for a day 🙂
    May I have one big slice of the tart with chocolate ganache, please ?

  14. oh la gourmande ! chocolat, framboises, fraises ! tout pour plaire !
    les photos sont tout simplement magnifiques 🙂

  15. By jove you’ve done it! Jolly good show! This blog entry went
    down a treat Luv. *mmmmwah* And whoever helps pick out your
    photos is top drawer. :-p

  16. How clever and absolutely delicious. I love your Raspberry Chocolate Marble Bakewell Tart and adore your Rectangular Tradtional Bakewell tart with strawberries.
    Your photography is also superb. I’m looking forward to your next blog.

  17. Ooh, both your tarts look really good, especially the strawberry (though the raspberry one is GORGEOUS…I’m just not in a chocolate mood). I love your temporary Britishness, too. 🙂

  18. O my god, these look absolutely gorgeous Lisa! You actually reminded me that the reveal date was today!! I thought – for some stupid reason – it was the 1st…. So I am baking my ass of as we speak… Gotta run back to the kitchen!

  19. Beautiful, beautiful tart! Can I have some of that choclaty one…? 🙂 And again – what a lovely photos! Cheers 🙂

  20. Lisa this is brilliant. A Bakewell Tart at an unbelievable level. High fives for the marbling & the ganache…wow! This is pure dessert nirvana! I love it!

  21. Looks delicious! I love the chocolate. 🙂
    Yum…gorgeous photos!!

  22. Oh, I love love love your two tarts! They look so beautiful and decadent, especially the raspberry chocolate marble bakewell tart. I think it should be called “lickwell tart” instead. 🙂

  23. Oh MG, These are gorgeous looking tart. Especially the last photo, how delicious and really make me want to grab it from my computer screen. Very beautiful!

  24. Beautiful job! Love both versions.

  25. Wow! Chocolate. I never even thought of that. A definite sort I’m going to attempt. Your pictures are lovely!

  26. Wow, both tarts look absolutely amazing! The raspberry chocolate tart is so beautiful and decadent. Great job!

  27. MMMMMM…Lisa…. the chocolate ganache topping must have added a wonderful layer to the Bakewell Mine came out more like a pudding texture in the middle even though I cooked its brains out…perhaps my measurements were off? Still tasted yummy!

    Loved the Yankee win last night– A Rod was on fire! 🙂

  28. I think this is one of the most beautifully executed challenges I’ve seen! Love the idea of the chocolate on top.

  29. Awesome! Your pictures are gorgeous and I love the creativity that you put into this challenge. I would never have thought to add chocolate but it looks and sounds amazing!

  30. I almost did a marbled one too, ahahah! It’s just gorgeous, both are in fact! I love your takes on the DBers challenges!

  31. Both tarts look great but the chocolate one looks delicious!
    Love your chocolate ganache. Your photos are lovely.

  32. What an ingenious creation! i love the colors and layers and everything about how this turned out. Brava!

  33. WOW!! Your tarts are..simply..stunning! I’m licking my screen! Thanks for also making me laugh with your whimsical & entertaining post 🙂

  34. Cute post =D!! Both of your tarts look absolutely amazing!! I love the flavour combos you used!

  35. All beautiful- all of them. Can you pass me a slice of that chocolate covered one with raspberries on top. Hmmm.

  36. Two gorgeous tarts! I love all the rectangular ones people have made; such a gorgeous shape for a tart. And of course, chocolate? Can’t go wrong with that.

  37. Jolly good pie ..err…pudding…and that marble topped one looks absolutely amazing !! I missed out on all the decorations…maybe next time 🙂

  38. You beautiful tart! Er um I mean your tarts are beautiful. ;-D

    The whole time I was reading your post I kept thinking that if it had been me attempting to sound like a Brit, it would have come out more like Bullet Tooth Tony from Snatch.

    Your photos are some of the most beautifully lit and composed that I have seen. Well done.

  39. The marbled one is really brilliant, and I loved your post!

  40. Oh my oh my Lisa Michele! Look at that swirling and that ganache layer. You are an artist. They look delicious!

  41. OMG the British accent – hahahaha!!! That chocolate ganache is beautiful – it mirrors!!! Well done. And way to get creative! Your posts always make me smile.

  42. I’m blushing because you made it twice and I couldn’t even get around to doing it once. The both look fantastic, but that chocolate tart…oh my!

  43. Both tarts look fantastic! As Audax commented, the mirror finish on the chocolate tart is spot on!

  44. Brilliant post luv! Your tarts are gorgeous! 🙂

  45. Wow! This is my favourite tart yet. So gorgeous! Great job on this month’s challenge.

  46. Your photography is amazing. And your tarts, Oh my goodnes, are just beautiful.

  47. Those are some jolly good pudding tart thingies! 🙂 I just love the marble one.

    Sadly, mine is just out of the oven NOW. Can you say, “procrastinator”…’cause apparently I can.

  48. Yummy tarts! Love the chocolate.

  49. I am gobsmacked by your lovely post and more so by your tarts!

  50. Love your writing and your pictures and OMG that Raspberry Chocolate Marble Frangipan Tart. All I can say is WOW!!

  51. Wow, your tarts look amazing! I love the chocolate marble idea. The chocolate on top looks absolutely heavenly. Great job!

  52. Beautiful tart presentations! I love your photographs! I like all the variety of flavors and the strawberry “hearts” are cute:) GREAT JOB!

    I enjoyed reading your post:)

  53. Fabulous! That chocolate marble tart looks so yummy!

  54. Awesome. Brilliant. Love your post. And your tarts look divine! Me being American and all like the chocolate marble one best. 😉

  55. I laughed out loud, and maybe I drooled a bit (sh). Your tarts look amazing, and I think that missing the bit about “up to 1 c. of jam” was a happy coincidence, I am sure it was just the right amount of jam to go along with the chocolate (YUM).

  56. Lisamichelle, I love teh ganache on top of your raspberry tart. Yum yum.

  57. Gorgeous tarts, Lisa! And the chocolate one is sinfully delicious!

    Thank you so much for your kind comments, Lisa, you left on my blog! I am truly touched! Thank you!

  58. Oh wow that mirror finish is a thing of beauty! Amazing stuff as always though-I should know to expect to have my socks knocked off 😀

  59. Hahaha! Being an American, I can say that yes I do go crazy for marbled baked goods. I can’t help myself 🙂 Your tarts/puddings look sinful! Amazing!

  60. As they would say in MS (well, some places!) “You so funny!” I love your marbled tart. It looks great and I’m sure having the flavor incorporated with the frangipane was nice. Pass the pudding, please!

  61. Truly gorgeous tarts, especially the marbled one…and elegant!

  62. Fabulous! And my inner Brit is singing. I’ll have two pieces of each…

  63. Your photos are gorgeous and I love your flavour combos. 🙂

  64. I keep looking at that beautiful ganache… would you be willing to share the recipe?

  65. Wow, that marbled frangipan is simply brilliant! So beautiful, original, and tasty I’m sure. Love your take on the challenge. 🙂

  66. OMG
    This tarts looks so beautiful. I love the chocolate topping with the raspberry.
    Great job 🙂

  67. All I can say is “WOW!” Your creativity is amazing with these challenges! Your photos are amazing too. I want to reach out through the screen and gobble up the tarts.

  68. OMG so totally creative! Excellent job 🙂

  69. Wow, with chocolate, congratulations, looks delicious.

  70. This is so gorgeous! I can’t believe how many different components this has – its like every dessert you could ask for rolled into one!

  71. I’ll have the 2nd Tart please! =D love the choc idea! great one!

  72. Oh wow! My jaw has just dropped. What fantastic flavours and I love the pictures, especially the last one. You’re making me drool super big time already!

  73. Irresistible tart and fantastic photos! Makes me drool ……..:-)


  74. In the spirit of your British blog entry, those tarts look “gorgeous.” (or, should I say “gowh-jus”?)


  75. OMG lisa, Wonderful tarts ! loved both the tarts, especially the raspberry chocolate tart…your pictures makes me drool 😀
    Gr8 job !

  76. That chocolate ganache tart looks outstanding! And I love the little strawberry hearts on the rectangular tart. (I want a pan like that!) Great job!

  77. WOW the mirror finish on your second tart is beautiful and your first tart is gorgeous too! Congratulations 🙂

  78. ‘kay how did you get that mirror finish on the ganache? Learn me please! 😀

    Both are more than gorgeous.. the colors and textures are just divine. You amaze me once again. 🙂

    As for that British accent.. uhmm.. don’t give up your day job anytime soon, ‘kay luv? BAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAAAA!

    Hugs and smoochies!

    PS – Yes! I got your email.. thank you so muchly – will write you back later this morning. Sweet girl 🙂 xoxoxoxox

  79. Ok, you are just so damn cute! I was laughing out loud as I read this! And as sure as Bob’s your uncle, Monsieur Fish had to ask me what I was reading.
    Beautiful job, you always go all out – bravo!

  80. Wonderful tarts! I didn’t know there were square tart pans!

  81. Your chocolate marble tart looks incredible! And I’m sure it tasted great too! I also love the use of the rectangle pan, I used a square one for mine and just love it! Beautiful pictures!

  82. OMG! Your tarts turned out so professionally done and beautiful. Your food photography is stellar!

  83. As always, you did a fabulous job on your DB challenge. After looking at your gorgeous photos, I have a craving for some dark chocolate – and to watch Mary Poppins!

  84. What a terrific choice of tarts! I should have come to you and asked questions…you are simply brilliant and so fun to read =D! Beautiful photos to boot.

  85. Hilarious post! 😀

    And I can’t understand why you were criticizing the texture of your frangipane in your comment on my blog, it looks perfect to me! You also asked which type of almond flour I had used; the grocery store near my place sells it in brandless packages, so I really have no idea where they get it from. It’s a little pricey, though – but convenient.

    Both your tarts look absolutely terrific, but I’m sold on the chocolate one! I was tempted to try cocoa-tinted frangipane, but ended up not doing it – so I’m glad to know that marbling works! Great jobb!

  86. Oh my that chocolate covered tart looks divine! I have yet to top off any of my tarts with a ganache but it is on my list! And I officially have rectangular tart pan envy!


  87. Oh my GOSH – I want to take a bath in that ganache! Everything you did looks awesome! :)~

  88. Oh my goodness – the marble version looks delicious – especially with the raspberries! Wonderful idea.

  89. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful photos! Ingenious idea to marble the marzipan in your second go-around. Even better idea to pepper Limey slang througout your blog post. Very entertaining!

  90. OMG! Cherrio! I love your blog your tarts make my mouth water.

  91. Loved the chocolate option! I might try to do something similar next time. Great photos too.

  92. Cute post! While both your tarts look outstanding, I’d love to try the chocolate version. So creative!

  93. Haha what a funny post! And the photos are positively drool-worthy. I can’t decide which I like better – the heart shaped strawberry slices, or the part where you top an entire bakewell tart in chocolate! 😀

  94. Wow both tarts look delicious and both are beautiful but … you know , I am a chocoholic so I’m drooling for the chocolate ganache tart, the berries on top look like the crown of a queen :9
    Thanks for your nice visit and comments in my blog 🙂

  95. Oh wow! The marble chocolate tart is beautiful and makes me want to reach in and take a bite! What a lovely variation! Yum!

  96. Wow, what an array of beautiful tartDOM. You did bake it very, very well! I think I’ll take the strawberry-vanilla only due to the fact that there would not be any chocolate left since everyone above me would have finished it by now!

    Deni saw you the other day, and she said your big, beautiful eyes were so sad it made her want to cry. Man, you could never hide your feelings when it comes to those eyes! You ok, sweety? I know it still hurts, and the lies and deceit made it even worse, but you’re gonna be okay, I promise! (HUGS) Now, answer your new cell, will ya??

  97. Gorgeous job Lisa!! Very enjoyable post – love the limey flavour 😉 Can you post me some of that chocolate ganache?

  98. Love love love both of your tarts! that chocolate marble looked stunning. Well done.

  99. Fabulously entertaining post! And your tarts look amazing! Great job!

  100. Guauu!!
    The chocolate tart looks delicious!! I take note to do it!!
    thanks for your visit!

  101. Great variation with the chocolate marble!
    Those heart shaped strawberries are cute indeed!
    Very nice pictures.

  102. Just gorgeous! That chocolate has my mouth watering. Very clever idea! Beautiful photos, LM!

  103. Wow, your tarts look gorgeous especially the chocolate one. Yumm…..

  104. Lovely! Looks like the chocolate tart has gotten a lot of attention – have to admit that’s the one that caught my eye. Hope that whatever is keeping you home let’s you out and about in the world again soon and glad it isn’t keeping you from baking!! Cheers.

  105. aww thank so much for stopping by and making me blush about my key lime tarts!

    though i’m not sure why you’d have so much praise for mine when yours look so good! the little strawberry slices on the Strawberry-Vanilla Bean Bakewell tart definitely gives is a lovely simple summer romance feel – i feel like it would be the perfect complement to a pretty picnic 🙂

    and your chocolate marble ganache raspberry dealio… wow. you said the marble didn’t go according to plan but i have no idea why you’d say that, i think it looks just fine 🙂 i have to admit the chocolate topping really makes your tart sparkle though… i wish i could get a taste. anyway, fantastic job as always on the db challenge 🙂

  106. LOVE the marbled frangipane! It looks awesome and had to be delicious!

  107. Ha ha, thanks for the laughs. Fresh grated nutmeg with raspberries sunken by a glassy chocolate layer, oh you do temp me…

  108. Hilarious post! You worked hard 🙂 I love both of your tarts. The chocolate one is brill…as you say!

  109. Oh gosh, I’m drooling over that chocolate tart!!! They both looks gorgeous and I adore the wit of this post, truly brilliant!

  110. I love both of the versions you made. But the the choc/raspberry! Wow!

  111. yum-my! the marble tart has got to be the most creative one I’ve seen!

  112. You are so darling! I can’t stand it! Well done, (as always) this is incredibly beautiful!

  113. I LOVE your tart!!!! Can I have a slice, pretty please?!?!?!?! It looks so, so, so, so delicious!!!!

  114. I’ll have a slice of your tart with a nice cuppa. 🙂

  115. OMG!!!
    Can I continue, what an amazing combination…
    wow… you always amaze me with your beautiful ideas…
    sorry for my late visit, I just posted my challenge, which was a hit at the market, i stayed till 2.30 am Friday/Sat to finish 38 tarts for the market, I kept two to taste, and guess what, I sold all the tarts. I bought Rhubarb from my neighbor vendor to make Strawberry & Rhubard jam, and end up doing more tarts on Sat for the Sunday Market…so within 24 hours I made around 56 tarts all by hand…

    I have to find a simple dessert menu for this week.
    by the way the invitation is still open if you want to come over.

  116. Absolutely lovely…all of them…specially the one with the strawberries heart. Nice pictures!

  117. My word these are GORGEOUS! Well done!

  118. Uhmmm… can I have a slice? YUM!

  119. LOL, too funny!

    Your tarts are out of this world. Very nicely done 🙂

  120. Lisa! Great job on the tarts, er pudding ! LOL, your accent stinks….just kidding! Too funny that you spoke, er wrote with a British, sort of accent!

    How are ya? Sorry, I haven’t given you a shout…my parents have been in town since last Saturday so there have been lots of family functions. They just left to go back home today. They took Jalen with them. 😦

    Give me a call when you can and catch me up!

  121. MMMMMM….excellent job you did!! I love both of your amazing tarts!!

    So fabulous looking! I bet they tasted fabulous too! A work of food art!!!

  122. Wow! Strawberries, raspberries, chocolate… Your Bakewell tarts are de Luxe. Amazing photos too.

  123. Gorgeous, just gorgeous!

  124. Hello Lisa Michele,

    BYOB= Bake Your Own Bread, originates from the foodblog:
    You have to émail the person behind the blog & that is Sandycastle1@
    that you would like to join the group. You have to give your foodblog website. She does a round up of any form of breads every half of the month or every month & she includes your link. That when someone clicks onto your link , they will vbe visiting your foodblog. You can’t win anything but trough her foodblog, you are a bit more promoted! Then she will review your site & let you know by émail if you are accepted! Then you can copy & paste the HTML code inside your blog!
    Enjoy the bread!

  125. You are so silly, love it! The chocolate is a brilliant touch. I’m drooling right now.

  126. Great job! I love the photos, especially the one showing the shiny mirror finish on the chocolate version. Good job for coming up with your own spin on the traditional recipe. It looks wonderful!

  127. If the pictures are anything to go by, the tarts must have been wonderful. Oh to be in your kitchen!

  128. Wonderful post, and I absolutely love the marbeled tart. I’m going to try that one out! -

  129. Hi Lisa!
    Thanks for visiting in my blog, It’s not usual for me to host out of country guests 🙂 and I’m glad you like my result.
    Your tarts look spectacular! I really like the marble frangipane idea, very original!

    Take care,
    Inbal from Israel

    I`m glad you like the result,
    I was also happy with the delicious combination of chocolate and cherry,
    And was pleased from the presentation.
    Thank you for the visit and the lovely compliment!

  130. Lisa, you are really amazing, your topic really made my day, your tarts look amazing, wonderful job, keep it on,and please think about visiting me in Egypt,I’ll cook for you !!
    Have a wonderful day dear !

  131. Absolutely lovely. Looks delicious.

  132. Nice!

  133. Lisa, I am really into the marble theme you have going on with the challah and the Bakewell tart. I love marble anything (chocolate makes everything better, right?). Fantastic idea, wonderful execution, beautiful pics. Great job!

  134. These are incredible. Wow!!!!

  135. Wow..thank you all for the fantastic appreciated!

    On another note, for all those who inquired – to make a chocolate ganache with a mirror finish, this is all I do. Equal parts chocolate and cream, and then I just eyeball some butter and corn syrup into it, maybe about a tablespoon or two of each (well, depending on how much ganache you’re making, but I’m referring to a topping for one tart or pie), sometimes 1 tablespoon of butter and 2 of the corn syrup, or vice versa. It’s just a feeling I get when mixing it in. Always bring it back to room temp if you’ve chilled it in the fridge, prior to serving, to bring back the shine.

  136. Beautiful beautiful tarts!

  137. Hey everyone. I’m hoping to meet new friends here so drop me a note when you
    get a chance.

    I hope to make some quality posts soon but first I have to look around the forum and
    familiarize myself with everyone and the forum.

    Bye for now. lol


    Biggest Loser of All Time

  138. Is this cms you use good for my first blog ?? I want to start blogging soon and looking for good cms…

  139. […] layers, due to my zany ‘rainbow’ idea, into 14 x 4 x 1.5-inch rectangular tart pan.  I love rectangle tarts, and hadn’t used that tart pan in a while.  Ha..jokes on me.  Both a 9-inch pie dish and […]

  140. This is a gorgeous tart! I can’t believe I have not seen this post before. If you open a coffee shop with these kinds of desserts, it will instantly go to the top of Zagat list 🙂

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