Oatmeal Walnut Bread with Poppy Seeds and the Best Egg Salad You Will Ever Eat!

October 18, 2012 at 5:25 am | Posted in Breads, Lunch, Salads, Twelve Loaves, Yeastspotting | 55 Comments
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OK, OK…the best egg salad you will ever eat IF you like medium soft-boiled eggs and Asian hot sauce!

So World Bread Day was two days ago.  Does it count since I put my post up two days late? Of course not, but for those who participated, know I was there with you in spirit while this bread sat in a photo program for a week.  I actually made this bread for this month’s (October) Twelve Loaves theme, seeds and grains, hosted by Lora of Cake Duchess, Jamie of Life’s a Feast and Barbara of Creative Culinary – but there’s a reason for the that little gem ‘Breaking Bread’ – bread…and food in general, is meant to be shared and enjoyed with and by all.

Bread..bread..bread – yeast, yeast, yeast.  I love baking bread..I always did.  The first time I ever worked with yeast was in the second grade.  My elementary school set aside one morning each year to teach all second grade classes how to prepare a breakfast from scratch, including the bread for the toast.  There was an egg station, a bacon station (that would never go over today.  Jamie Oliver would cry), a freshly squeezed orange juice station and a homemade bread station.

You guessed it..I was assigned to the bread station.  My partner in bread was a tough, little kid named Vinny with suspicious blue eyes and lightly tousled blonde hair.  He liked to beat up other kids for fun..and the exhilaration in his eyes when he stomped on insects was a little more than disturbing.  He also liked to throw rocks at anything that moved, including people.  Thankfully, he had terrible aim.

Naturally, I was afraid of him..until he started dipping his fingers in the bubbling cake yeast and smelling them, over and over… his usual dead, scary eyes suddenly sparkling .  He really took to baking bread from scratch and kneaded dough like a pro.  I was in awe.

For the remainder of second grade, the perpetually silent Vinny, in a barely audible, monotone voice, would ask the same question almost every day…

“Are we gonna bake bread today?”

To this day..the smell of foaming cake yeast reminds me of Vinny.   I’m convinced he’s now a bread baker with his own little bakery..or baking for his fellow inmates via kitchen duty.

Initially I was going to make the third yeast bread I ever baked, which was an Onion Lover’s Twist with poppy and sesame seeds from a Pillsbury Bake-Off cookbook that was given to me at the age of 13.  I changed my mind because I wanted a hearty, healthy sandwich bread for a wicked egg salad I’ve made since I was a kid, albeit, without the wicked part.  That came later, when my palate could suddenly tolerate it.

I didn’t bake my second yeast bread or any yeast bread from the book until I was 18..and let’s just say it was a little ambitious for a second yeast bread, especially with no teacher or yeast-loving future bread baker and/or mobster, to help ..choosing a pizza rustica, loaded with meats and cheeses, the yeast dough lining and covering all the filling in a springform pan.  The recipe said it needed to rise in a warm place..so I placed it in front of the super hot radiator on the floor of the den where I was watching TV..staring at it..willing it to rise.

I was making this yeasted pizza rustica to impress Dreamboat.  It had to be perfect.

When I was finally satisfied that it might be starting to rise..I focused my attention on a movie that was on, forgetting about it for the hour it needed.

Well, rise it did..very quickly…over the top of the springform pan, knocking off the plastic wrap….crawling across the floor to the rug like The Blob, The Blob who hadn’t blobbed in days and was starving for a victim to digest into its gelatinous core of evil.

The proper consistency of the yolk for this egg salad is the soft-medium, circled and arrowed in red.  However, I find 6 to 7 minutes gives me that consistency, not 5.5 minutes. Photo courtesy of ieatishotipost.sg since my egg photos had a bluish tint I couldn’t get rid of.

I jumped up to get to it before it hit the rug, but truthfully, I was more concerned about the pizza rustica loaf turning out.  I quickly gathered up the blobs of dough..some of it already dry from a good 20 minutes exposed to the air…seeping down the circumference of the pan and tried to smush it back on top.  I had to do this twice..ripping off so much dough that had hit the floor that there was barely enough dough to sufficiently cover the top.  After another hour, there was little rise..the radiator and my ripping and scrunching the dough down had annihilated it, but I baked it anyway.  Surprisingly, it turned out beautiful.

Not so surprising, Dreamboat almost broke a tooth at first bite.  Beauty is only skin deep. The top crust was as hard as a rock.  We pulled the cheese and meats out, ate those..and that was that.  I’m sure he thought I’d never excel at bread baking.  I kind of felt the same way.

Once I learned, the hard way, that there was no need to let bread rise next to a steaming, hot radiator, I had much success thereafter.

With that said..you all know I’ve been pinning food like a maniac, right?  Naturally, you pin recipes because you want to try them and/or it makes your creative juices bubble like hydrogen peroxide on a brand new boo-boo.  So, I follow Red Star Yeast, and I cannot tell you how many times I’ve repinned their bread, sweet and savory.. and sandwich pins.  When I came across a pin for their Oatmeal Walnut bread..I had to try it.  I couldn’t find their Platinum Yeast anywhere near me, which was a shock..but I did find it miles and miles away at another market when visiting a friend.

The loaf, which contains 1 cup of whole wheat flour, didn’t rise very high over the top of the bread pan, but I expected that since most bread doughs with whole wheat or other whole grain flours are heavy.  BUT, was I in for a surprise..major oven spring!  I guess the platinum yeast is sort of like bread kryptonite!  Oh, did I mention that this bread is delicious and the texture wonderfully dense, but soft with the slight crunch of walnuts and poppy seeds (which I added to the recipe)?  Perfect for a sandwich..like my egg salad…or just ripping off pieces and enjoying as is..since the light molasses flavor is lovely.

Finally, my egg salad.  My mother, who hated cooking and baking, still had a skill or two up her sleeve, like hard boiling eggs.  All of my friends loved her egg salad.  Her secret?  Miracle Whip.  Their mothers used Hellmans, which I preferred once I tasted it.  I never looked back at the whip again.

That said, I prefer my eggs soft or medium soft-boiled aka kind of yolky.  I was never able to find egg salad that way – anywhere..from home to school, to friend’s houses to the markets/deli’s my mother would buy it from occasionally.  The eggs were always hard-boiled..so I took it upon myself to make it the way I liked it.

When I developed a palate that begged for hot and spicy in my late 20’s..I started adding sriracha or chili garlic sauce to my semi-soft boiled egg salad. Both make it even more amazing than it already is.,.IF you like hot and spicy. You can leave out the hot sauce if you like because this egg salad is the best..in my opinion..with or without it.  You can also hard boil your eggs, but that would take away the oozing part of the yolk which becomes part of the dressing – the true twist and secret to its greatness.

Finally..I like my egg salad chunky..chunky to the point where you need lots of napkins because pieces of egg usually fall out as you bite into it, but how small or large you cut your egg up is entirely up to you.  As you can see in the photos..I just about quarter each egg..and as you can also see in the photos, I piled the entire recipe for this egg salad on one sandwich.  Yes..I have prepared it this way for myself many times, but most of the time I put half of it on a sandwich and eat the rest out of the bowl.  My cholesterol was normal the last time I gave blood..well over a year ago.  OKI’ll stop now.

           Why not add more cholesterol – like BACON?  The lettuce makes it healthy, right?

Recipe for Oatmeal Walnut Bread – I toasted the walnuts and added poppy seeds on top along with the oats.

Semi-Soft Boiled Chunky Sriracha Egg Salad
Makes enough for one monster-sized sandwich or two human-sized sandwiches
4 medium-soft boiled eggs, peeled under cold running water, dried and cut up
2 to 3 tablespoons mayonnaise OR Greek Yogurt
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder (If I have a head of roasted garlic on hand, I mash in a clove of that instead of the powder)
2 to 3 tablespoons sriracha or chili garlic sauce depending on how much heat you like.  Omit this if you don’t like heat and add another tablespoon of mayonnaise or try BBQ sauce!
1 to 2 scallions, green and white parts, chopped
kosher salt and fresh ground black pepper to taste

1. Place the chopped eggs and chopped scallions in a medium bowl.  In a separate bowl, combine the mayonnaise with the garlic powder and sriracha or chili garlic sauce until uniform.  Mix this dressing with the chopped eg and scallions. Season to taste.

2.  You can eat immediately, but I like to cover the bowl with plastic wrap and let the flavors perform magic in the fridge for a few hours.  Serve as sandwiches, on a salad platter, or just eat as is.

I’m also submitting this bread to the BYOB bread baking event hosted by Heather from Girlichef, Michelle from Delectable Musings and Connie from My Discovery of Bread, plus Yeastspotting hosted by Susan of Wild Yeast.

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Pulled Honey Sesame Chicken Sliders with Rainbow Slaw for SRC..and Part 14B

July 9, 2012 at 12:00 pm | Posted in Appetizers, Asian, Breads, Dinner, Eat The Rainbow, Lunch, Salads, Secret Recipe Club, Vegetables | 78 Comments
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We’re all familiar with loads of twists on pulled pork, pulled beef, pulled chicken – pulled any meat that can be shredded into juicy strands after being simmered in a sauce for a few hours – then slopped on a bun..which soaks up some of the sauce.  I’ve seen riffs on Asian pulled pork and chicken, but I’ve never seen the following Asian take on it until I scrolled through my blog assignment for this month’s Secret Recipe Club.

Pulled Honey Sesame Chicken Sliders with Rainbow Slaw
Does any carnivore NOT love Sesame or General Tso’s chicken?  Well, the blog I was assigned, Eat Little, Eat Big..authored and photographed by Susie, who just so happens to live on the beautiful island of Maui (lucky!), came up with this brilliant idea.  She simmered chicken breasts in a similar sauce used for sesame chicken – in a crockpot- for a few hours.  Voila, Slow Cooker Honey Sesame Chicken!

Initially, I was going to make her Crunchy Oven Baked Fish Sticks, but then I decided that there was no way I was turning on the oven in this oppressive heat.  We’re talking 98 – 100 degrees the past week, so I loved that this dish was slowly simmered in a crockpot..or slow cooker, whichever you prefer to call it.

Of course I couldn’t leave well enough alone.  First, I toasted the sesame seeds, then I omitted the ketchup and used tomato paste instead.  I used Chili Paste (Sambal Oelek) in lieu of chili flakes, added rice wine vinegar for a bit of tang, and a little chicken stock for more sauce.

I also changed the cooking time since I was starting with semi-frozen chicken breasts, plus…to get that really shredded texture – I felt more time was needed, semi-frozen or not.  To thicken the sauce after simmering, I made a slurry of cornstarch and chicken broth, instead of using cornstarch alone.  I grated some fresh ginger into the sauce simply because I couldn’t fathom sesame chicken without ginger.

Before I even finished reading the recipe, I had decided to pile this pulled chicken on buns.   At the bottom of Susie’s recipe – she suggested doing just that.  SO, I piled this chicken on buns, but not just any buns.  I had baked some plain buns using an extra batch of dough I made from the Daring Bakers Char Siu Bao recipe back in Dec, ’11,  and froze them.  Insta – buns! For the sliders, I used store-bought slider sized potato buns.

I love Asian bun dough.  It’s soft and almost velvety, so I knew they would make great buns for burgers or sandwiches.  I’m so glad I did that because I couldn’t think of a more perfect vessel for this pulled sesame chicken.  Of course, you can use any kind of bun you’d like.  Sprouted buns work really well because they’re sturdy.

Finally, you know how much I’ve waxed on and on about my love of natural rainbows incorporated into dishes?  What better than an array of colorful vegetables to pile on these buns with the chicken?  We’ve got shredded red cabbage (the purple), a mix of red, yellow and orange bell peppers, and blanched snow peas –  all tossed together with a light vinaigrette.  This is my summer of Eat the Rainbow.

By the way, these are REALLY good, and perfect for any party.

Pulled Honey Sesame Chicken Sandwiches with Rainbow Slaw
Inspired by Susie of Eat Little, Eat Big
Makes a ton of sliders, a half-ton of average sized sandwiches and maybe 6-8 unhinge your jaw, sandwiches 

Pulled Honey Sesame Chicken
4 semi-frozen chicken breasts, cut in half (starting with semi-frozen chicken seems to help it shred better once cooked), OR, about 1 to 1 1/2 pounds boneless, skinless chicken thighs
kosher salt and pepper
1/2 cup honey
2 tablespoons rice wine vinegar
1/2 cup chicken stock or broth
2 tablespoons soy sauce
2 1/2 tablespoons tomato paste
3 cloves garlic finely minced
2 teaspoons fresh, grated ginger
1 teaspoon chili paste (more if you like a lot of heat)
2 tablespoons cornstarch
2 tablespoons chicken broth or stock
1 tablespoon toasted sesame oil
Toasted sesame seeds, the amount depending on your preference
burger buns or slider buns

NoteIf your chicken breasts are kind of big, I would suggest doubling the sauce ingredients poured over the breasts in the crockpot.  The cornstarch and 2 tablespoons of chicken stock for the thickening slurry remains the same, but add 2 tablespoons sesame oil instead of 1 when the sauce is thickened and done.

Rainbow Slaw
1 small red bell pepper, seeded, ribs removed, sliced thin
1 small yellow bell pepper, seeded, ribs removed, sliced thin
1 small orange bell pepper, seeded, ribs removed, sliced thin  (OR two carrots, peeled and shredded)
About 1/4 a small head red cabbage, shredded
1 very small red onion or half a red onion, sliced thin
1/4 lb snowpeas, blanched, each snowpea sliced in half vertically and horizontally.  No worries about peas falling out – it just makes it better

Note – Slice and chop vegetables smaller for sliders.  If you want a really shredded slaw, use the shredding disk or very thin slicing disk in your food processor for all the veggies (stack the snowpeas to shred).  I used a knife that needed to be sharpened, so I couldn’t slice the veggies as thin as I would have liked.  It’s easier to pile a more shredded slaw on the sliders or sandwiches.

5 tablespoons peanut oil
3 tablespoons rice wine vinegar
1 tablespoon light soy sauce
1 clove garlic, minced with kosher salt until it’s a paste
1 teaspoon freshly grated ginger
1 3/4 teaspoons sugar
1 teaspoon sesame oil
squeeze of lime juice
freshly ground black or white pepper (to taste)

1. Combine all of the vegetables in a bowl.

2.  Make Vinaigrette.  Place all ingredients in a jar, cover tightly, and shake vigorously until blended.  Drizzle your preferred amount over vegetables and toss.

3.  Cover bowl with plastic wrap and let the flavors blend in the fridge for a few houes.  You can use it immediately, but it’s much better after marinating for a few hours.  SO, make this salad while the chicken is cooking.

1. Season frozen chicken breasts with salt and pepper, and place in the crockpot.

2.  Mix all the sauce ingredients together except for the sesame oil, sesame seeds, cornstarch and 2 extra tablespoons of chicken stock.  Pour over seasoned, frozen chicken in the crockpot.

3.  Cook on low for 6-8 hours or high 3-4 hours, until the chicken starts to fall apart.  Remove chicken from sauce and shred with two forks.  Set aside in a bowl.

4.  Pour sauce into a medium saucepan and bring to a simmer.  Stir together the cornstarch and chicken stock until smooth, then pour into the simmering sauce.  Cook until the sauce has thickened, whisking constantly – it only takes a minute or two.

5. Remove from heat and stir in the sesame oil and toasted sesame seeds.  Pour over shredded chicken and mix well. Season with more salt and pepper if it needs it.

6.  Assemble sandwiches.  Cut buns in half – toast if you like.  Place a heaping spoonful of rainbow slaw on the bottom bun.  Top that with a heaping spoonful of the pulled chicken.   Pour some extra sauce over chicken and top with other half bun.  Enjoy with plenty of napkins!

Click on the blue frog below to see what my fellow SRC Group A participants chose from their assigned blogs.

Now to Part 14B (I know, I know – will it ever end?)) of Bad Boy First Love. If you’re just tuning in, Part One is HERE, Part Two is HERE , Part Three is HERE, Part Four is HERE, Part Five is HERE, Part Six is HERE, Part Seven is HERE, Part 8 is HERE, Part 9 is HERE, Part Ten is HERE, Part 11 is HERE, Part 12 is HERE, Part 13A is HERE, Part 13B is HERE, and Part 14A is HERE.

I decided, for all parties involved, there was no need to say anything.  It wasn’t fatal, no harm was done – and if I opened my big mouth, there’d be plenty of harm done.

I fell asleep to his sexy voice.

The next morning I woke up with the phone cord wrapped around my neck and the handset hanging off the edge of the bed.  Although I had cordless phones..I was kind of attached to my ecelectic, mulit-colored corded phone.  It meshed with my bedroom.

Great, I could have strangled myself in my sleep and college would be off.  I wondered if the roommate ‘death’ rule would apply to roommates who had not yet met me?  I bet they’d love me anyway..considering the straight A’s.

I realized I never got to say a proper goodnight/goodbye to him, but I didn’t want to wake him up.  He had two more days of work left before he came home to North Jersey, where I would no longer be.  I decided I’d phone him as soon as I got to Boston.  It was already 11 am, and I hadn’t done my ‘scan’, and felt completely unprepared.  This led to several hours of ‘scanning’, which led to many fights with my parents, which led to me taking off in the car to bid one last adieu to my friends, which led to us not leaving until 5 pm.

To add insult to injury, the large SUV my father had rented, since I was basically bringing my whole life to Boston, was not there.  The guy at the rental car place made a mistake and rented it to someone else.  All they had left was a medium hatchback.  This meant the backseat went down, so my whole life was crammed in so tight, that some of it was spilling over the front seat, where I had the misfortune of sitting…in…between…my…parents.

I don’t have the kind of relationship with my parents that most do, so this was pure hell on top of hell, with a side of red hot forks poking every cell in my brain.

The whole drive was literally hell on wheels..so much so, that at one point, I insisted they let me out of the car on some highway in Connecticut.  I walked along the grassy divider in the dark for about 15 minutes before they were able to find an exit..turn around and come back, but truth be told, it was the most serene 15 minutes I’d had all day.

There was actually one positive side to all of this wrath..it distracted me from missing Dreamboat.  The anger was like a warm blanket shielding me from the cold pain that was looming deep in my soft, mushy core – tapping me every so often, trying to break through.

Around 8 pm, my father decided he didn’t want to drive anymore..and being a stickler to rules, wouldn’t allow me or my Mother to drive since his name was the only name on the rental agreement.

He pulled off at an exit..having no idea where he was going, until he saw the bright lights of a Howard Johnsons.  We were in Worcester, MA, only an hour away from Boston.  I begged him to keep going since there was a Freshman orientation the next morning at 9 am.  He refused. Well..at least I could try and call Dreamboat later on that night.

Not so fast.

He let me know, in no uncertain terms, that there was no way he was paying for any long distance calls from a motel phone. Looks like I was going to have to will myself to sleep.  Between the disappointment of not getting to school the night before the first day to start meeting people and my roommates and the melancholia of missing Dreamboat, there was not much more I could do.  I watched movies until 2 am, then finally fell asleep, tossing and turning.

I heard my room phone ringing incessantly and sporadic knockings on the door throughout my slumber, but ignored them so I could sleep more.  I finally woke up at 11am.  My parents had already spent 4 hours going out to breakfast and walking around.  I’d missed orientation – so  there was no need to rush anymore.  I relaxed.  Oh, wait..check-out was at noon, so I was told I better start rushing.  Figures.

When we finally arrived in Boston, I found out I had been assigned to an upperclassman dorm since I had changed schools at the last-minute. All of the shiny, modern, buildings and towers of freshman dorms were already filled up by the time my father sent them the dough. My new home was an old, shoddy, broken down, building, and my dorm room was a kitchen, tiny bathroom. and two bedrooms – mine with a bunk bed.

Sound familiar?  I spend two Augusts with a kitchen, bathroom and tiny sleeping quarters.  But that never mattered because I was there to be with Dreamboat.  Now, I just had to endure it, and enduring it might have been easier if the whole place didn’t have tilted floors.  Yep, tilted floors..a permanent slope in my dorm/apartment.  I thought about roller skates.

I still wish I staged a fall and sued.

By this time, the anger between me and my parents had reached a breaking point.  After unloading my life, with some help from some nice, strong upperclassmen, and dumping it..along with me, into my new, tilted dorm room/apartment, with a kitchen – they left me sitting on the lower bunk – alone.  There was no phone hooked up to phone Dreamboat or my friends, so the alone soon turned to lonely.  My roommates were nowhere to be found.  My bunk mate had already unpacked, and taken the bottom bunk I was sitting on.

Laissez-faire, I thought .  I slowly started to unpack my life into this dump.

My roommate turned out to be a freshman who changed schools at the last minute too, and the two in the other bedroom were a sophomore and a junior.  Unfortunately, the only thing me and my freshman bunk mate had in common was being freshman, but that was good enough.  We stayed up talking a while, and then I wrote a letter to Dreamboat to let him know my phone wouldn’t be hooked up for a few days.

If only cell phones were what they are today and we had the world-wide web, video calls etc..the transition would have been so much easier.

The next morning..I woke up feeling rejuvenated – a whole new life was starting for me.  I quickly showered and dressed, skipping breakfast because I needed to be in a certain hall by 9am.  They were gathering freshman, in alphabetical order per lecture hall.

As I walked to the main quad where this Hall was located, I was feeling more and more excited with each step.  Fellow students at my university packed the streets and campus.  It was like lunch hour in NYC – not to mention, Boston is rife with colleges and universities, all within a short distance of one another.

I took a right turn into the quad, and I was blown away.  It was akin to what I felt it would be like stepping into Willy Wonka’s chocolate river room for the first time.  All the students – bright and shiny, from measly freshman like me, to huge athletes walking in packs together, bags hung over their shoulders for practice later.

A group of guys were playing hacky sack.  Is there a college quad anywhere in the US where there isn’t a bunch of guys playing hacky sack on a nice day?  I’d put money on it that there isn’t.

Regardless, I was so mesmerized by it all, I barely made it to the hall on time.  I broke out of my spell, and ran to my assigned last names beginning with R to U lecture hall, tripping up the steps several times. per usual..and grabbed a seat.

Within minutes of taking a seat, I met the girl who would become one of my best friends throughout my freshman year.  Finally, something positive!

After being assigned counselors to help put our schedules together, and a long visit to the campus bookstore, where we spent mucho money on the books we needed for our classes, and of course, lots of other frivolous stuff, including almost everything with the university logo on it and several t-shirts and sweatshirts for Dreamboat, we went back to her dorm.

She was living in one of the beautiful, modern freshman dorms, so in time, I was practically living there.  I met a bunch of great people in that dorm who also became good friends, and soon, I was considered part of that dorm..although I was living a hobo lifestyle between dorms.

The good thing about having my shoddy, upperclassmen dorm to go back to occasionally, was the quiet.  We all went there when we wanted a little peace or had to study for an exam.  The other good thing was – my upperclassmen roommates.  They guided us where to go for fun..introducing us to the ‘big’ pub on the main avenue of our campus, where they let everyone in.  They would simply blow a horn if the ABC showed up, so we could all sneak out the back before they could check for ID’s.

This was the place almost everyone went after hockey, football and basketball wins.  Weekend nights, the place was  packed to the gills with students of all ages, and lots of athletes..checking out the new freshman crop of girls.  It was hard to tell who played for what team, outside of the hulky giants, who were obviously football players.

The first night we all went there was a blast.  We danced to the video jukebox..checked out the guys (well..they did), and I sipped one Seabreeze all night.  Like I said, I can’t hold my alcohol – one slip, meaning one large sip, and I’d be introducing my dinner to the pavement outside.

I finally hit the bottom of the drink with a few loud sips of air, so I walked to the bar to return my glass.  The bartender, who they called ‘Sully’, slid another Seabreeze my way.

“Umm..I didn’t order that, there must be a mistake”

Sully motioned behind me “It’s from him..He bought it for you”

I slowly turned to see a tall, dark-haired, handsome athlete sitting on a divider facing away from the jukebox.

Right at that very moment, I realized our phone was hooked up two days before and I hadn’t called Dreamboat.  The excitement of meeting new people, new classes, and the city of Boston, had dominated my first week of school so much, I actually..and IT was SO hard to fathom this..

FORGOT about him a little.

I turned to this handsome stranger, smiled and said “Thank you”

I didn’t want to pursue it further than that, but he walked over and introduced himself.

He was in his junior year, from a town on Cape Cod, a hockey player, went to prep school, and was a draft pick for the Bruins..but decided to finish college first.  Before I knew it, we were conversing like old friends, even after the bar closed, sitting on the edge of a fountain in the courtyard of his dorm which was less than a block from my tilted dorm.

I made fun of his New England accent, like I did with all the people from MA or any New England state, I’d met.  He loved my imitation of it..then told me I had no accent, so he made fun of Jersey instead.  Nothing new…everyone does.  “What exit?” being a fave.

We were laughing a lot in between the lighthearted chat.  Time just flew by.

Me and Dreamboat never had 2 hour conversations like this, even the first night we met.  In fact, most of our conversing was with our lips.  Dreamboat’s voice blasted in my head..

“..you’ll meet other guys..rich college guys, you won’t want me anymore”

Damn, I missed him.

That looming pain that had been first stymied by the fierce anger at my parents, then all the newness of college life, finally broke through, and it hurt, it hurt like the sting of a thousand jellyfish – which brought me back to that magical summer night we reconnected.  I felt my eyes well up.

I abruptly stood up, told hockey guy it was a pleasure to meet him, but I needed to get some sleep.

He stood up too..then asked, “Can I get your number?  I’d like to take you to Faneuil Hall and that restaurant in the North End I told you about.  I want to show you around Boston”

I wasn’t lying when I told him this..

“We just got our phone hooked up, so I don’t know the number off-hand, plus, like I said, I have a boyfriend back home whom I love very much”

I hated the conflicting feelings that were coming on like gangbusters and confusing the hell out of me.  I loved Dreamboat so much it hurt, but this guy was intriguing to me..I loved the conversation we had.  What was happening?

He smiled, not quite as dazzling as Dreamboat’s, but nice.

“Everyone has a boyfriend or girlfriend back home when they’re freshman.  They usually don’t last, well, mine didn’t” He said with a chuckle.

Then some weird fate kicked in.  My junior year roommate came walking by with some friends..calling my name out in jest..seeing I was talking to this hunky guy.  She walked over, since she knew him, and started extolling my virtues to him.

She gave him our phone number.

I gave her the evil eye.

I walked back to our dorm with her and her friends, now listening to her extoll his virtues.  She was tipsy..

“Lisha..you don’t undershtand, he’sh not a womanizer, he’sh such a good guy, and SO FOXY..you’d be crazshy not to go out with him!”

I adamantly stood my ground.  “I’m madly in love with Dreamboat – not gonna happen”

As she started skipping sprightly ahead of us, she uttered the words I’d heard far too many times the past week..

Those relationships never last – you’re young, you’re in college now..enjoy it!”

I called Dreamboat the next morning..which was Saturday. I had forgotten he’d nailed down a cushy construction job from a man who owned a company near him in North Jersey and spent weekends in Toms River, a few doors down from his shore house. Part of that job entailed working Saturdays.  I tried again around 6 pm.  He answered..my heart fluttered.

“Hi, baby”

He responded with happiness and surprise..

“Hi, killer..I got your letter, but then I heard nothing, I thought you’d already met some rich college boy and cast me off”

I thought of the hockey player..the timing was uncanny.

Suddenly, I needed to see him more than ever..those weird, conflicting feelings were front and center and I wanted them to go away.  I grabbed the teddy bear with his t-shirt and pressed it to my face..inhaling. His scent was fading.

“Come see me, baby…drive up here next weekend..I miss you..need you”

He seemed relieved that I still loved and wanted him..

“I want to, sweetheart, I can’t stop missing you and thinking about you. – BUT..”

Ohhh..the inevitable ‘BUT’

“…I don’t think the Mazda would make it both ways”

OK, not that bad a ‘BUT’.  He was right.

“Then fly to me” I whimpered pathetically

“You know I work Saturdays, baby..I just started, I can’t take time off after 1 week. Why don’t you come home and spend the weekend with me?”

My parents would never pay for a flight home after only 2 weeks of school.  I would have to stick it out until Thanksgiving.

I dropped the subject, then started telling him about my first week of school.  I guess my enthusiasm bothered him a little.  He was sort of hoping I wouldn’t like it so I’d transfer to a local college and told me that in a half-joking way.  His tone changed from sweet, loving and happy, to sad and kind of cold.

The conversation was turning morose rather quickly, plus, as I mentioned in a previous part, he wasn’t a phone person.  The phone for him was for making plans to meet up, not 2-hour conversations that most women think nothing of.  BUT- he tried with me..I’ll give him that.

I didn’t know what else to say..so I told him I loved him.

He responded in kind..but added “..maybe too much”

What was that supposed to mean?

He read my mind..”I’ve never loved anyone this much. Lisa.  Knowing I won’t see you for 11 weeks, sucks – it really sucks”

I whispered softly “It sucks for me too, baby”

Then silence.

I hate awkward silences (and still hate them to this day), so, I started rambling, which is what I always do when there’s awkward silence.  I can’t help it.

“I bought you a bunch of t-shirts and  sweatshirts at the campus bookstore.  I can mail them to you if you want – one is red with…”

He interrupted..he knew this part of me very well, but couldn’t kiss me to stop it.

“Thank you, sweetheart, but you can give them to me when you see me – I want them from you, not a box”

This was the most uncomfortable conversation I’d ever had with him.  I settled down and responded with an “OK”, feeling beaten.

We said our goodbyes, since the call was about to get very expensive (like I mentioned – lucky college kids with internet and cell phones these days), and made plans for him to call me the following Wednesday.

I sat on my top bunk for a long while – dissecting and analyzing the conversation in my head, interspersed with the infamous mantra I’d been hearing since I arrived..

Those relationships never last..Those relationships never last..Those relationships never last..

Dreamboat called that Wednesday, but it was another awkward conversation.  I had to keep convincing myself he wasn’t a phone person..and to not take it to heart.  We spoke more times, for weeks after, but it was just never the same.  He was hurting, I was hurting.  It had now been almost a month, and the 7 or so weeks left before we’d see each other again seemed like an eternity.

After our last phone call..I felt down for the next couple days – too down..so much so that my energy was sapped.  I wondered if I was falling into a depression.

I ran into hockey guy many times in the quad during those weeks, when he was on his way to hockey practice.  He always found me on the same bench, flipping through my notes before my last class of the day.  One day he convinced me to walk with him to the arena.  I did. It soon became a ritual.  It was always nice to hang out with him..he lifted my spirits.

When the following Friday night came around..I was sick as a dog with a raging cold.  Well, that at least explained why my energy was so low.

My friends from my other dorm/home came by to check on me.  They were going to the pub.  They took along my freshman bunk mate, and soon my two upperclassmen roommates joined them.

I fell asleep…my own snoring, gurgling and runny nose waking me up sporadically.  I finally gave in and took some cold medicine to stop it.  In a short time I felt a little better and started to doze off again, floating on a cloud of crumpled up tissues.

Somewhere in my stuffy head…I heard the phone ringing.  I crawled pathetically to the end of the bed, where one of my new friends put it –  just in case I needed to call anyone, to answer it.

“Hello?” I croaked

“Hey you, I hope you don’t mind me calling, but I just saw your friends down at the pub, asked where you were, and they said you were home sick.  I was worried”

Yep – it was hockey guy.  Why did I smile?

“Yeah..I’ve got a really bad cold.  There was no way I was going out tonight.”

“You want some company?  It stinks being alone when you’re sick”

I couldn’t believe it, but there was the word, spilling effortlessly from my mouth..


“OK..I’ll be there in about 15 minutes”

I started to doze again after we hung up.  What was I doing?  Wait, I did nothing, he was a friend..and it was going to remain that way.  Suddenly I realized how gross I was and jumped out of bed and into the shower.  He’d be here in less than 10 minutes now.

Why did I care??

I started rushing, pulling on a cute pair of jeans and a flattering top..tripping over myself as I hurried.  I had to at least blow dry my hair and put a bit of makeup on to cover my red nose and dark circles.

Why did I care??

There was a knock on the door. I was mortified with my mop of wet hair and sick face.  I had no choice..I had to answer it.

Why did I care??

I opened the door slowly, practically plastering my wet hair over my swollen nose and greenish, wan skin.

Stop it, Lisa…you shouldn’t care how you look, he’s just a friend.

There he stood..with a container of chicken soup in one hand, a flower in the other, wearing a tight, beige V-neck sweater and perfectly worn jeans, which showcased his well-muscled, hockey player thighs and………..flip-flops.

I found the flip-flops..coupled with his sweater and jeans, incredibly endearing.  His upper body was also tight and muscled – but not in any kind of steroidal ‘Schwarzenegger’ way.  This guy was an athlete..a well- chiseled athlete..a manly man in every sense of the word.

Don’t get me wrong, Dreamboat had a great body, but when one is an athlete who  practices and works out every day, there’s not an inch that can be pinched. I could sense a 6-pack beneath his sweater.  Dreamboat had a slight 6-pack, but two beers were missing.  A 4-pack, I guess.

I looked up into his chocolate brown eyes, sweet, handsome face, and short, thick, dark curly hair.  He had shaved, and smelled great too.

He immediately commented on my wet hair and scolded me gently, asking where he could find a towel.  When I showed him..he draped it over my head and started ruffling it through my hair…drying it as best as he could..while I sat on a kitchen chair.

“You have a bad cold, Lisa, this is going to make it worse..you didn’t have to shower for me, silly”

I know..why did I?

I just blew my nose and didn’t respond.

This was not good, I was feeling something.  Nothing even remotely close to what I felt with Dreamboat – no jelly legs, no intense butterflies..but it was something.

Part 15 coming soon.

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Amazing One Pot Tabbouleh Bread and Part 11

May 14, 2012 at 5:23 am | Posted in Bread Baking Day, Breads, Healthy/Low-Fat, Middle Eastern, Salads, Vegetables, Vegetarian, Yeastspotting | 69 Comments
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First off, I’d like to thank everyone for all the thoughtful, sweet comments and emails about my situation.  You have no idea how much those comments and emails have helped, so again..Thank You, from the bottom of my heart.

Back in 2009, I watched Jacques Pepin mix, proof and bake a bread in one pot on one of his shows on Create TV, which, of course..I DVR’d.  I idolize the man, I think he’s an absolute demigod in the kitchen.  Most everything I learned, in a high-end, culinary sense, was from him.  He has been an inspiration to me since I was 13 years old.  I will get more into detail about what I learned from him and how he changed my life when it came to cooking, in another post, one most likely dedicated to him, with one of his amazing creations.

So, on that day in 2009, I watched him mix, proof and bake a bread in a non-stick pot.  I knew I had to try it, it was too easy.  I wasn’t sure the bread would turn out as crusty, with an artisan like crumb, as it looked, because it went against everything I’ve learned about artisan bread baking over the years, plus it was made using commercial yeast.

Well..here we are in 2012, and I finally got around to making it.  I was wrong, this bread is as close as you can get to a wild yeast like bread. without a starter or sponge.  I think it has a lot to do with the overnight – 10-14 hour – rise in the refrigerator, or maybe it’s just Jacques Pepin magic?

Once I made the bread plain…and loved it, I knew I had to play with this blank canvas of crusty, lovely crumbed, perfection.  The possibilities were infinite.  I could just add cheese and it would be wonderful, as one person in a forum about this bread, did, but I was feeling more ambitious.  After eating some tabbouleh one night for dinner, it hit me – why not a tabbouleh bread?  All the flavors of tabbouleh in this wonderful loaf, including the bulgur wheat..but would it work?  Would the soaked wheat be too heavy for a decent rise?

I wasn’t taking any chances.  After deciding not to add my homemade tabbouleh to the bread batter, since cucumbers and tomatoes could make it really soggy, and also affect the rise, I decided to add just the bulgur wheat, herbs, lemon zest, green onions, and leave out the cucumbers to serve along with the bread.  I felt tiny grape tomatoes would make a great topping, especially once I decided to create a design on top with the mint and parsley – the tomatoes being the fruit growing on the branches of my little trees, stems, bushes, or whatever you want to call them.  Let’s just say it was free-form.

Not only did the bread turn out, but it.is.incredible. – and, it tastes like tabbouleh.  The bulgur wheat adds chewiness to the crumb, and also binds it so you can use it as a sandwich bread.  When it’s plain, it’s more of a ‘rip off a hunk’ type bread than a sandwich bread, which is not a bad thing, but this little discovery with the bulgur wheat made me giddy, and of course I had to make a sandwich, pictured further down..

Oh, did I mention the crust?  I think I did briefly, but please  let me ooh and ahh over it for a second.  It’s crisp, crunchy, and flaky, like a bread baked in a steam oven on a stone.  I do think it is magic, because how do you get such an amazing crust from a batter bread.. mixed, proofed, and baked in a non-stick pot?

That being said, I love how the herb ‘decor’ on top added a nice, light crispy, crunch , and the tomatoes roasted perfectly..a sweet, slightly juicy, concentrated tomato flavor, both enhancing the already wonderful crust.

OK, a slight caveat..there is one thing you must have to make this bread..a 3-quart non-stick saucepan like THIS, or THIS or, for more money, THIS, to make the magic work.  People have tried mixing the dough in bowls then baking in loaf pans, and all kinds of methods to get this bread as it should be, but although they may get something ok, it will not be this bread.  The whole point is everything being done in one non-stick pot..so not using it kind of defeats the purpose, not to mention, the amazing crust!

I know..it sucks to have to buy something for one use, but, you can cook in it too, so technically, it’s not a ‘one use’ item.  However, trust me when I say you will be making this bread at least once a week, whether plain or with additions, because it’s so simple, wonderful and convenient.  Mix it up at 2 am if you like..as long as it gets the 1 to 1 1/2 hour room temperature rise and the  10-14 hour refrigerator proof, you’re golden.

Here’s a video of Jacques making this bread..along with his recipe

I changed the basic recipe just a bit for my tabbouleh bread..using a whole packet (2 1/4 teaspoons – .25 oz) of yeast to insure a good rise with the bulgur wheat, and increasing the salt.  You can also play around with the recipe..maybe using bread flour or decreasing the water, etc, but I think it’s pretty perfect as is.  Be creative, add whatever you want to his basic recipe, sweet or savory.  As I mentioned above, the possibilities are endless!  My next ‘endeavor’ will probably be baby spinach leaves  and gruyere.

‘One Pot’ Tabbouleh Bread
Adapted from and Inspired by Jacques Pepin’s One Pot Bread Recipe, with my revisions.

2 1/4 cups tepid water
3-4 teaspoons kosher salt
1 package Active Dry Yeast – .25 oz
4 cups AP Flour
1/3 cup bulgur wheat (fine to medium grain)
1/3 cup boiling or very hot water
I very large handful parsley leaves
1 small to medium handful mint leaves
2 green onions, sliced thinly
1 lemon, zested..then juiced for olive oil dip
1 cup extra-virgin olive oil
fresh black pepper
grape or teardrop tomatoes
3 or 4 chives (optional for ‘stems, if making design)

1.  Boil water, then add bulgur wheat.  Let soak abut 20-25 minutes, until the wheat has absorbed all or most of the water.

2.  Coarsley chop the parsley leaves with the mint leaves.  I chopped mine too fine..you can barely see them in the bread.  This is for aesthetic purposes only, so it’s really ok if you chop them finely.

3.  Pour the tepid water into the pot.  Add the kosher salt, yeast, and flour.

4.  When you start to mix the bread batter, stir in the bulgur wheat (if any water remains, strain it out), lemon zest, parsley, mint, and thinly sliced green onions.  Mix thoroughly.  Cover and let rise for 60 to 90 minutes, at room temperature.

5.  After room temperature rising, lift off cover and stir down the risen dough.  Cover again, tightly, and place in the refrigerator overnight 10-14 hours.

5.  Preheat oven to 450F.  Remove risen bread dough in pot from refrigerator.  Top with grape tomatoes (keep whole if very small, slice in half if not that small), parsley leaves (no thick stems), mint leaves, and strips of scallion or chives (for stems if you want to make a pretty design).

6.  Bake for 35-40 minutes (40 was perfect for me).

7.  Combine the cup of olive oil, lemon juice and black pepper, then add some lemon slices to it.  Dip slices of the bread in the lemon olive oil, if desired.  Serve with sliced cucumbers and more tomatoes or make that awesome sandwich above – or eat it/serve it any way you want – it’s amazing without any of the above.

Once again, it’s my Bad Boy First Love memories/memoir/whatever.  If you’re just tuning in, Part One is HERE, Part Two is HERE , Part Three is HERE, Part Four is HERE, Part Five is HERE, Part Six is HERE, Part Seven is HERE, Part 8 is HERE, Part 9 is HERE, and Part Ten is HERE.

The rest of that summer was phenomenal – and every moment with him was electric – my legs still turned to JELLO every time he looked into my eyes.

He would occasionally tease me, calling me ‘little girl’, ‘kiddo’ or ‘half-pint’, the latter always met with a “Yes, Pa?”  I had to know..so I asked..

“Did you watch Little House on the Prairie as a kid?”

He tried to keep a straight face “Naah, a baby sitter made us watch reruns of it – I played with my toy trucks”


My friends had to leave a week before Labor Day Weekend, (I knew this before we even rented the place, but I wanted to stay through Labor Day in hopes I’d reconnect with Dreamboat and have that extra week), so I had the place to myself.  However, there were two casual friends from school that came down and one stayed with me for 2 nights, plus two close friends were staying in Ortley Beach, not to mention the local girls, so I was never alone.  That said, I did relish some ‘alone’ times late in the day or early evening, and I would separate from whoever I was hanging with, for a bit, just to take a walk to the pier to see him, always picking him up a Sunkist soda and a bag of Doritos – his favorite mid-work snack.  There were always girls there..watching…waiting.  I got used to hearing..

“Damn, he has a girlfriend” or “#$%^!  He has a girlfriend”

..when they would see him pop out of the booth to hug and kiss me, or take a break to go for a walk with me.  I also had a few remarks thrown my way, but I don’t think it’s possible to clean them up for this blog.  Let’s just say ‘bitch’ was a mild one.  Some girls can be very evil when they want something bad enough.  They never said anything when he was near me, and I never told him.  There was no need to, my happiness being with him made those remarks disappear into thin air.

Of course, once my friends left..there were the slumber parties with Dreamboat.  I finally Rumbaed- two days before I was leaving.  I had already chosen him as my dance partner weeks before, and there was no one else I wanted that first dance with.  There were many firsts that summer..first love, first Rumba, first time on an upside-down ride (with Dreamboat’s arms wrapped around me, but I still hated it..we’re meant to be right side up), and loads of brand new experiences, emotions and feelings I could fill a page with – but I won’t.  It had been the best summer of my young life.

When Labor Day Weekend passed, it was time for me to head home.  He would be home in two weeks.  I cried anyway, because two weeks seemed like an eternity – but, at least I was going to see him again.  I was getting a ride a home with the friends staying in Ortley Beach. but then I canceled….wanting to stay until the last possible minute so I could spend one more night with Dreamboat.

I was really pushing it, since school was starting the next day.  I had already packed up and dropped my stuff off at the local girl’s house, for my last night with him.

I remember their Mother, who was from Germany, making us schnitzel for dinner that night, before Dreamboat picked me up.  It was the best schnitzel I ever had – to this day

I digress..

My parents had their number if they needed to get in touch with me.  You better believe they used it when I wasn’t home by midnight.

When Dreamboat dropped me off – smack dab in the middle of a teary, passionate, goodbye kiss..I heard my father’s voice.  Uh oh. I looked up, and saw my parent’s car in their driveway.

Deja ‘effin vu.

It was 3:30am.  They had spoken to the girl’s Mother when they called looking for me..and although she was a very cool woman, she told them the truth – I hadn’t left for home yet, I was out with my boyfriend.

My father didn’t have to say a word, I knew I messed up again. I obediently got out of the car and just kind of stood there.  The local girls and their Mom had already helped my parents pack up the car with my stuff, so they were outside witnessing the melee.  Their Mom, in her cute German accent, felt terrible..I did too.

“If I had known she did not have a ride home, I vood have happily driven her”

Amazing One Pot Tabbouleh Bread

Dreamboat was still there..window down, with an amused look on his face.  I couldn’t blame him, everyone was talking at once.  I just stood there like the village idiot, a goofy smile on my face as I watched him watching everyone talking about what I did.  I snuck over to him one more time for a quick kiss.  He said he would have driven me home. – we would have left right after he got off work..why didn’t I ask?

You see, I had planned on calling my parents the next morning, claiming I fell asleep and missed my ride, then going in late to school.  I told no one this.

My father’s voice boomed before I could answer him..

“Let’s GO, get in the car, NOW!”

I guess this wasn’t a good time to introduce them to Dreamboat.

I gave him another kiss, told him I’d explain when he called, and ran to the car.  I wasn’t scared, I wasn’t upset..I was too damn happy for any of those emotions.

This time, the ride home was pleasurable. Don’t get me wrong – my parents were tearing into me like a Thanksgiving turkey, but I was smiling, my eyes closed..head back against the seat, reliving every moment with him.  Their angry voices berating me were distant whispers in my ‘Dreamboat’ state. I briefly broke out of my zone to apologize sweetly over and over, then dove back in.

My father wondered if he had picked up the wrong daughter.

Yes, what I did was pretty selfish, but I was a teenager in love.  Teenagers, in general, do stupid, selfish things, usually without thinking about the consequences to others, but teenagers in love can take it a step further.

I knew everything was going to OK when my father started extolling the virtues of cruise control.

I made it on time to my first day of senior year, sleepless and in the same clothes I wore the night before. There was no time to do laundry and it was too hot for Fall and Winter wear – BUT, like I’ve mentioned in earlier parts..I could still smell him on my clothes, so I didn’t mind – gross or not.

He called that night, when he got off work..

“How was your first day of your SECOND Senior Year?”

This had already become ‘our’ joke, or his joke, rather.

Two weeks later, the first Friday night, there was the Beetle, parked in front of my house..with a beep.  I flew down the stairs, into the car and into his arms.  We were so into each other, it was almost disgusting..well..to other people, I’m sure.

We spent the whole night mushing it up on a lookout on the Palisades.  The Hudson and East Rivers were our new Barnegat Bay and Atlantic Ocean.  However, if I fell and cut myself again, I wasn’t walking into either.  There was no way he could convince me that floating bodies, oily gunk and garbage was good for wounds.

The next night, he took me to his town, since one of his friends had just gotten engaged, and he wanted to see and congratulate him.

When we got there, after a 40 minute drive, I couldn’t believe how inner-city like and almost sinister it was.  The streets were narrow and dark, most off of a well-lit avenue – well-lit except for several neon letters not working on most of the shops, bars, etc. There was lots of graffiti too. He lived on a steep hill where the houses were so close together, you could hear a person next door burp.

The initial engagement celebration was in a parking lot with a huge ledge to sit on.  The guys were tough, the girls were tough..I was completely intimidated, but mesmerized at the same time.  This was a complete culture shock for me.  Some of these guys were baby Sopranos in the making, but not guidos, just really tough guys.  Now I understood where Dreamboat got his grit.

“Yo, D..’bout time ya got here!” *loud slapping handshake with extremely hard back pats*

This went on with every guy there, with an introduction to geeky me, in between each one.  A kiss on the cheek from every one of them – like they’d known me forever.

“Nice to meet ya, sweetheart – heard a lot about ‘cha”  Hmm…I guess sweetheart was just something he grew up with – not just maturity.

I don’t think I said more than 10 words the first half hour we were with his friends. I’d never felt so scared, overpowered, dorky, and shy – all at once.  I clung to Dreamboat like velcro.  I couldn’t help thinking how uncool I was compared to these people – they were all self-assured, loud, rambunctious and again..tough.  Any of the girls could have taken me down easily, simply because I could tell not a lot of things scared them.  There was no witty repartee going on here – just pure, ruffian, good-natured, ribbing.

Brush the inside of both slices with the lemon olive oil, then layer butter lettuce, tomatoes, feta cheese and cucumbers. I really like feta cheese – can you tell?

A very pretty, petite girl, with long, wavy, dark hair, came up to me.  With all the introductions, I couldn’t remember who was who, but suddenly recalled she was the bride-to-be.  She had a high, sweet voice, like the the C key on a piano, but it was peppered with that tough accent Dreamboat and his friends had.  It didn’t fit. Regardless, we started talking, and soon I was at ease.  She reintroduced me to her fiance when he came over to us, who wasn’t just Dreamboat’s friend, but his best friend.  His name was Jimmy, but everyone called him Coco because when they were kids, they teased him, singing Jimmy, Jimmy Coco Puff, since Jimmy rhymed with shimmy.

A lot of these guys, and some of the girls, had nicknames, except for Dreamboat..or at least I hadn’t heard one yet.

The bride-to-be was also named Lisa, and I clicked with her almost immediately – but I also wondered if I could ever really fit into this part of his life. This was a whole new Dreamboat, a whole new part of him I hadn’t gotten to know yet. It was a strange feeling..an amalgamation of unease and a voracious excitement of what was to come.  I was completely overwhelmed by the atmosphere, the people. and the nicknames I couldn’t keep straight;

Tony aka Cannelloni – his last name sounded similar, but with different consonants

Mike aka Mitts – Had a fantastic glove when they played softball

Kevin aka Kooky – He was kooky

Tina aka Tuna – They just thought it was funny to call her Tuna, swapping the i with a u

..and many more.  They were coming at me from all directions – a blur of nicknames and really fast talking.

Suddenly, I needed to be alone with him in the worst way.

Well..I guess there will be a Part 12, but, 12 is a lucky number, right? Once I started writing this memory, I knew the finale wasn’t going to make it in. Stay tuned!

Feta, Cucumber, Tomato, Lettuce and Lemon Pepper Olive Oil on Homemade Tabbouleh Bread

I’m submitting this bread to Bread Baking Day #50 – Bread with Vegetables, hosted by From- Snuggs Kitchen, and Yeastspotting, hosted by Susan of Wild Yeast.

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